IDC Dashboard
Purpose and Scope
The IDC Dashboard is designed to analyze and present UTRGV’s Indirect Cost (IDC) return expenditures. It offers insights into how IDC funds are distributed across Principal Investigators (PIs), their departments, colleges/schools, VP divisions, and Organized Research Unit (ORU) centers. The dashboard aims to provide detailed visibility into IDC recovery rates, the distribution of funds, and cost center management for strategic decision-making.
Data Sources and Structure
The dashboard pulls data from PeopleSoft, specifically focusing on IDC return eligible expenditures and allocations. The data is based on shared credit percentages from PeopleSoft. The data is structured to show hierarchies across PIs, departments, colleges, VP divisions, and ORU centers. It categorizes expenditures by projects, providing a granular view of how IDC funds are recovered and distributed.
- PeopleSoft Query:
- UTZ_GL_CC_SPEEDTYPES: Cost Center general information includes description, status and effective date
- UTZ_GL_COST_CENTER_KEY_MEMBERS: Cost Center key members details with different management roles such as Manager, Accountant, Reconciler, Dean and VP
Key Metrics and Visualizations
- Key Metrics: Total IDC, IDC Recovery %, number of projects, total expenditures on projects, IDC on research, and IDC recovery % on research.
- Visualizations: Interactive tables and charts displaying IDC expenditures and recovery rates by various organizational units, as well as detailed breakdowns by PI, department, and cost centers.
User Manual: IDC Dashboard
Filters and Slicers:
- Fiscal Year (FY): Filter data by the fiscal year for which the IDC expenditures are recorded.
- Employee Name: Allows users to filter by specific employees.
- PI Department: Filters the data based on the department of the Principal Investigator (PI).
- PI College/School: Filters by the college or school the PI is affiliated with.
- PI VP Division: Filters data by the Vice President division associated with the PI.
- ORU Distribution: Allows filtering by Organized Research Unit (ORU) distribution centers.
- Project ID: Filter data based on specific project IDs.
- Function: Allows users to filter by function codes.
- Fund: Filters data based on the type of fund (e.g., federal, gifts).
- Active IDC Return CC: Filters by whether the PI is associated with active IDC return cost center or not.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
- Total IDC: The total indirect costs recovered.
- IDC Recovery %: The percentage of IDC recovered out of the total expenditures on projects with IDC.
- # of Projects: The total number of projects with IDC expenditures.
- Total Expenditures on Projects: The total amount spent on projects that have IDC recovery.
- Total IDC on Research: The total IDC attributed specifically to research projects.
- IDC Recovery % on Research: The percentage of IDC recovered from research expenditures.
- The cards display critical values, such as Total IDC, IDC Recovery %, # of Projects, and Total Expenditures on Research. These highlight key financial metrics for quick insights.
- Table of VP Divisions and Departments: Displays a breakdown of IDC expenditures and returns for each VP division, college, and department. Users can interact with the table by expanding/collapsing divisions and departments for more detail.
- IDC Recovery % Chart: Visual representation of IDC recovery percentages across various divisions and projects.
Overall Functionality:
This tab provides a comprehensive view of IDC recovery and expenditures categorized by VP divisions, colleges, and departments. Users can drill down to specific details about each division or department's IDC metrics, helping them analyze where IDC funds are coming from and how they are distributed.
Filters and Slicers:
- Fiscal Year (FY), Employee Name, PI Department, PI College/School, PI VP Division, Project ID, and Active IDC Return CC: Similar to the previous tab, these filters allow users to narrow down the data displayed based on these parameters.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
- No specific KPIs on this tab; it focuses on listing detailed breakdowns.
- Total PI IDC, Dept IDC, Report Unit IDC, VP Unit IDC, and ORU IDC: These cards show summarized totals for each category.
- PI IDC Distribution Table: Displays the PI's name, department, and the amount allocated to each IDC category.
- ORU Distribution (Based on ORU Directors and Contributing Faculty): A visual table that shows the ORU distributions for PIs based on their roles within ORUs.
- VP Division and Unit IDC Table: Shows the distribution of IDC funds across different VP divisions.
Overall Functionality:
This tab is focused on providing users with detailed distribution information based on PIs, departments, and their associated ORUs. It helps users understand the breakdown of IDC allocations and their relation to various academic and research units.
Filters and Slicers:
- Similar to previous tabs, including Fiscal Year (FY), Employee Name, PI Department, PI College/School, PI VP Division, Project ID, and Active IDC Return CC.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
- # of Employees with IDC Eligible Expenditures: Total number of employees with eligible expenditures.
- # of Projects with IDC Eligible Expenditures: Total count of projects qualifying for IDC returns.
- PI IDC Return Amount with/without CC: Summarizes the PI IDC amount returned by employees with and without a cost center.
- Employee IDC Return CC Management Table: Lists the details of employees, their roles, and the status of their cost centers for IDC returns.
- # of Employees with/without Active IDC Return CC: Bar chart showing the count of employees with active or inactive cost centers, visually differentiating the status.
Overall Functionality:
This tab provides insights into how IDC return cost centers are managed across PIs and employees. It allows users to track which employees have active cost centers for IDC returns and how those returns are distributed.
Filters and Slicers:
- Includes all previously mentioned filters like Fiscal Year (FY), Employee Name, PI Department, PI College/School, PI VP Division, ORU Distribution, Project ID, Function, Fund, Account, and Active IDC Return CC.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
- Total IDC, PI IDC, Dept IDC, ORU IDC, Reporting Unit IDC, VP Unit IDC, and Total IDC Return: KPIs are displayed to show total expenditures and returns by various categories.
- Raw Data Table: Displays a detailed table with all raw data entries for IDC returns, including fiscal year, period, project, cost center, account, employee details, and IDC return amounts.
Overall Functionality:
This tab acts as a data download center, providing users with the option to access detailed raw data for further analysis. It serves as a comprehensive view of all IDC-related transactions for the university.
Access and Support
Access to the dashboard is restricted to authorized personnel, including PIs, department administrators, and financial leads who manage sponsored projects. Users can log in through the institution's secure login system to access the dashboard.
For technical support or inquiries related to the dashboard:
- Contact Information: Users can reach out to the ResearchIT support team at for assistance with access, data issues, or other technical difficulties.
- Training and Resources: Training sessions and user guides are available upon request to help users navigate the dashboard and utilize its features effectively.
If you have any additional questions or need further support, please contact support team for further assistance.