IRIS Description
What is IRIS
The Institute for Research on Innovation and Science (IRIS) is a consortium of research universities, established in 2015 and based at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research, the world’s largest academic social science survey and research organization. IRIS collects detailed transaction-level data from its member institutions on their sponsored research projects. These data are crucial for understanding scientific outcomes at multiple levels of analysis and are linked to federal employment and earnings data through the Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC) system, administered by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Leveraging IRIS to Enhance UTRGV's Research Impact and Strategic Growth
Strategic Insight for Competitive Advantage- IRIS provides access to comprehensive datasets that help benchmark UTRGV’s research productivity against peer institutions.
- Allows UTRGV to identify areas of excellence and opportunities for improvement, fueling strategic decision-making.
- Offers detailed information on the economic and social outcomes of UTRGV’s research efforts, such as job creation, innovation, and collaboration.
- This insight is essential for aligning UTRGV’s research with national trends and enhancing its societal contributions.
- By analyzing IRIS data, UTRGV can align its research initiatives with metrics important for R1 classification.
- Enables data-driven decision-making on resource allocation and program enhancements to improve institutional performance.
- Provides UTRGV researchers with access to longitudinal datasets that support new research inquiries and grant applications.
- Enables tracking of research contributions within national and international contexts, enhancing the competitiveness of proposals.
- Making IRIS data readily available encourages a data-driven research culture.
- Strengthens UTRGV’s research ecosystem by allowing faculty to align their work with institutional priorities and societal needs.
Data deadlines and reports publication dates from IRIS
Data deadline: October 15
Report Publication: January
Common fields across all IRIS reports
There are many fields that share a common name and definition between files, and are used to link two or more files in the same way that a primary key and foreign key connect files in a database.
- Period Start Date: The Period Start Date should be the first day of the month that a given transaction is reporting on.
- Period End Date: The Period End Date should be the last day of the month that a given transaction is reporting on.
- Unique Award Number: Unique identifier specifying an award, is defined by concatenating the 6-position funding source CFDA code—with an award identifier either the federal award ID or an internal award ID. *UTRGV reports award on project level in format CFDA-Federal/Reference Award Number-Project ID
- Recipient Account Number: Internal accounting codes used to allocate funds received from an award, there may be one recipient account number per award (a "parent" account) or multiple account numbers per award ("child" accounts). Each account number should only be tied to a single award. *UTRGV uses contract number for this field
- Campus ID: The campus to which each award is assigned. *UTRGV has all awards under one campus
- Sub Org Unit: The sub-organizational unit of the university campus to which each project is assigned. This unit should be at the college or school level.
- Deidentified Employee ID Number: Unique employee ID of grant funded personnel, typically, it is the internal institutional number that a university assigns to that employee. *UTRGV uses hashed EID for this field
- Object Code: Internal organization object code or other expense-type category assigned to transaction.
UTRGV data used for IRIS data sourcing and submission
Sponsored Project Information (Sourced from PeopleSoft)
- UTR_OSPA_PROJECT_INFORMATION2: Comprehensive project list
- UTR_OSPA_PROJLIST_AAS_NEW: Project co-investigator and shared credit details
- UTR_PRJ_AND_AWARD_LISTING: Project budget details
Financial Data (Sourced from PeopleSoft)
- UTR_OSPA_RSRCH_EXPENSE: Research expenditure data
- UTR_CA_PAY_ERN_ACTUALS_ALL_YTD: Employee payroll information
- UTR_GM_TRANSACTION_DETAIL: Detailed transaction records
Employee HR Information
- Employees Data: HR information provided by HR Office & Data Services
- UTRGV ORCID: Employee ORCID IDs provided by Academic Analytics
Supplier Demographic Information
- Provided by Procurement Office
Supporting Crosswalk Data (Sourced from PeopleSoft)
- UTZ_RGV_GL_DEPTS_R: Department crosswalk information
- UTZ_GL_ALL_ACCOUNTS_BY_TREE: Account codes and structure
Submitted Data Reports
The Award file should contain transaction data on every awarded (funded) project that has direct or overhead (also commonly referred to as indirect) expenditures during the period of time covered in the file. These transactions are at the month level.
*The Award file is the centerpiece of the UMETRICS dataset and directly connects to the Vendor, Subaward, Employee, Organization Units, and Award ID files.
UTRGV methodology:
Expenditures is pulled from PeopleSoft OSPA expense reporting query
Project Information is pulled from PeopleSoft GM project overview query
- Expenditures is pulled from PeopleSoft OSPA expense reporting query
- Project Information is pulled from PeopleSoft GM project overview query
- Exclusion:
- Function: 999
- Accounts: Interests Accounts, Transfer Accounts, Construction Accounts, Capital Projects
Column Fields | Description | Data Source |
PeriodStartDate |
The start date for the monthly period |
PeriodEndDate |
The end date for the monthly period |
FundingSource |
The direct funding source assigned to each project |
UniqueAwardNumber |
Identifier specifying an award and its funding source, as defined by concatenating the 6-position funding source code—either the CFDA code or Other Funding Source code—with an award identifier |
RecipientAccountNumber |
Internal accounting code that allocates funds from award |
AwardTitle |
Title of Award |
OverheadCharged |
Total indirect cost charged to the award in the specified period |
TotalExpenditures |
Total direct expenditures charged to the award in the specified period |
CampusId |
Campus identifier to which the transaction is assigned |
SubOrgUnit |
College level sub unit identifier to which the transaction is assigned |
The Award ID file provides specific details about awards as they originally came to institution, whether directly from prime sponsors or as subawards, is used to link internal award identifiers to external identifiers used by sponsors.
*The Award ID file connects directly with the Award, Award Co-Investigator, Organization Units, and Employee Name files.
UTRGV methodology:
- Project Information is pulled from PeopleSoft GM project overview query
- Total awarded amount is pulled from PeopleSoft Project Award Listing query
- Co-PI information is pulled from PeopleSoft OSPS Project List AAS query
- Orcid ID of employees is provided by UTRGV partner Academic Analytics
- How to identify sub-award
- Project ID 511: Federal Pass-Through award
- Project ID 520: State Pass-Through award
- Project ID 510 and Fund 5100: If the direct sponsor name does not match with federal agency, it should still be considered a Federal Pass-Through award.
Column Fields | Description | Data Source |
UniqueAwardNumber |
Identifier specifying an award and its funding source, as defined by concatenating the 6-position funding source code—either the CFDA code or Other Funding Source code—with an award identifier |
PrimeAwardId |
Unique identifier assigned by the prime sponsor |
PrimeAwardTitle |
Formal name of the award as used with the sponsoring agency |
PrimeSponsor |
Name of the prime sponsoring federal agency, foundation, or private company originating this award |
FedFlag |
Indicator flag of whether the award was funded by a federal agency or a nonfederal agency |
Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN) assigned by sponsoring federal agency |
CFDACode |
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) code |
PrimeFlag |
Indicator flag for whether the award is a prime award or pass-through award |
DirectSponsor |
Name of the direct sponsoring federal agency, foundation, private company originating this award or pass-through entity for subaward |
InternalAwardId |
Award identifier used across systems in university to identify a particular award |
RecipientAccountNumber |
Internal accounting codes used to allocate funds received from award |
InternalAwardTitle |
The award title used in university's internal systems |
Campus Id |
Campus administering the award |
Sub Org Unit |
School, college, or unit administering the award |
Dept |
Department administering the award |
Total Award Amt |
Total estimated awarded amount across all years of this award |
Award Begin Date |
First day of sponsored funding period of this award across all years |
Award End Date |
Last day of sponsored funding period of this award across all years |
Prime PI First Name |
The first name of the PI on the original prime award |
Employees |
Prime PI Last Name |
The last name of the PI on the original prime award |
Employees |
Sub PI First Name |
The first name of the principal investigator for awards received from prime awardees |
Employees |
Sub PI Last Name |
The last name of the principal investigator for awards received from prime awardees |
Employees |
Deidentified Employee ID Number |
Unique Employee ID of the PI |
Employees |
Orcid ID |
The ORCID ID of the award PI |
Academic Analytics |
Co I Flag |
Indicator flag of whether the award has co-investigators |
The Award Co-Investigators file is used to provide information about the names and roles of co-investigators for each award included in the Award ID file.
UTRGV methodology:
- Co-PI information is pulled from PeopleSoft OSPS Project List AAS query
Column Fields | Description | Data Source |
InternalAwardID |
Award identifier used across systems in university to identify a particular award |
InternalAwardTitle |
The award title used in university's internal systems |
CoFirstName |
The first name of the Co-Investigator on the award |
Employees |
CoLastName |
The last name of the Co-Investigator on the award |
Employees |
CoNumber |
Unique Employee ID of the Co-Investigator |
Employees |
CoRole |
The role of employee on the award |
CoAffiliation |
The university that the Co-Investigator is affiliated with |
The Employee file contains records for every employee that received any type of compensation from an award or spent time working on an award at the month level. Employees could work on several awards concurrently or sequentially. In these cases, the employee could have multiple values of employment appointments for different awards in a given month, or over time.
*The Employee file connects directly with the Award, Employee Name, and Object Code files.
UTRGV methodology:
- Employee payroll data is pulled from PeopleSoft query
- Proportion Of Earnings Allocated = Project Earnings / Total Earnings
- SOC Code: SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) Code is sourced from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website.
- Exclusion: 1. Account: 20410 Salaries Payable, 68320 Judgments Settlements Other Legal, 99991 Suspense 2.Capital Projects
Column Fields | Description | Data Source |
PeriodStartDate |
The start date for the monthly period |
PeriodEndDate |
The end date for the monthly period |
UniqueAwardNumber |
Identifier specifying an award and its funding source, as defined by concatenating the 6-position funding source code—either the CFDA code or Other Funding Source code—with an award identifier |
RecipientAccountNumber |
Internal accounting code that allocates funds from award |
DeidentifiedEmployeeIdNumber |
Unique Employee ID |
Employees |
OccupationalClassification |
Occupational classification of employee |
Employees |
JobTitle |
Job title of employee |
Employees |
ObjectCode |
Internal organization object code or other expense type category assigned to transaction |
SOCCode |
Standard Occupational Classification Code |
Standard Occupational Classification Code |
FteStatus |
Designation of the status (percent) of the funded personnel |
Employees |
ProportionOfEarningsAllocated |
Calculated portion of earnings charged by funded personnel to the award in the specified period |
The Employee Name file is used to match up the de-identified employee data that are associated with award transactions in the Employee file with the employee’s actual name and date of birth.
*The Employee Name file connects directly with the Employee, Award ID, and Award Co-Investigator files.
Special Notes:
- Birth Year and Month sensitive info is provided by HR office and data service upon request.
- Deidentified Employee ID Number in submitted file is UTRGV employee ID hashed by CRC-32 algorithm.
Column Fields | Description | Data Source |
DeidentifiedEmployeeIdNumber |
Unique Employee ID |
Employees |
LastName |
Employee last name |
Employees |
MiddleName |
Employee middle name |
Employees |
FirstName |
Employee first name |
Employees |
BirthYear |
Employee’s year of birth |
Employees |
BirthMonth |
Employee’s month of birth |
Employees |
The Subaward file allows for the tracking and analysis of funding sent to subawardees (also commonly referred to as subrecipients) off of the awards reported in the Award file. These transactions must be rolled up to the month–award–subawardee level.
*The Subaward file connects directly to the Award and Object Code files.
UTRGV methodology:
- Transaction data is pulled from PeopleSoft Transaction Detail query
- Subrecipients are defined as all suppliers which had transactions with UTRGV under passthrough account numbers 65001, 65002, 67810, and 67815.
- Subrecipients demographical information is provided by UTRGV Procurement Office
Column Fields | Description | Data Source |
PeriodStartDate |
The start date for the monthly period |
PeriodEndDate |
The end date for the monthly period |
UniqueAwardNumber |
Identifier specifying an award and its funding source, as defined by concatenating the 6-position funding source code—either the CFDA code or Other Funding Source code—with an award identifier |
RecipientAccountNumber |
Internal accounting code that allocates funds from award |
ObjectCode |
Internal organization object code or other expense type category assigned to transaction |
OrganizationID |
Internal identifier specifying the organization or institution of the subrecipient |
The subrecipient's 9 digit EIN number |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
The subrecipient's DUNS number |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
SubAwardPaymentAmount |
The funds paid to the subrecipient in the specified period |
OrgName |
Name of the subrecipient |
POBox |
PO Box number of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
BldgNum |
Building number of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
StrNumber |
Street number of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
StrName |
Street name of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
Address |
Address of the subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
City |
City of the subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
State |
State of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
DomesticZipCode |
US Zip Code of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
ForeignZipCode |
Foreign Zip Code of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
Country |
Country of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
The Vendor file should include transaction information on all vendor purchases made on the awards contained in the Award file. These transactions must be rolled up to the month–award–vendor establishment level.
*The Vendor file connects directly to the Award and Object Code files.
UTRGV methodology:
- Transaction data is pulled from PeopleSoft Transaction Detail query
- Analysis Type: ACT, GLE, SFE, SFA are included
- All payments made to UTRGV employees are excluded
- Vendor demographical information is provided by UTRGV Procurement Office
Column Fields | Description | Data Source |
PeriodStartDate |
The start date for the monthly period |
PeriodEndDate |
The end date for the monthly period |
UniqueAwardNumber |
Identifier specifying an award and its funding source, as defined by concatenating the 6-position funding source code—either the CFDA code or Other Funding Source code—with an award identifier |
RecipientAccountNumber |
Internal accounting code that allocates funds from award |
ObjectCode |
Internal organization object code or other expense type category assigned to transaction |
OrganizationID |
Internal identifier specifying the organization or institution of the subrecipient |
The subrecipient's 9 digit EIN number |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
The subrecipient's DUNS number |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
VendorPaymentAmount |
The funds paid to the vendor in the specified period |
OrgName |
Name of the subrecipient |
POBox |
PO Box number of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
BldgNum |
Building number of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
StrNumber |
Street number of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
StrName |
Street name of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
Address |
Address of the subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
City |
City of the subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
State |
State of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
DomesticZipCode |
US Zip Code of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
ForeignZipCode |
Foreign Zip Code of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
Country |
Country of subrecipient |
UTRGV Procurement Office |
The Object Code file contains information of expense account codes and account descriptions, and is used to build an identification file of all object codes in the Subaward, Vendor, and Employee files.
UTRGV methodology:
- Expense account data is pulled from PeopleSoft Accounts by Tree and Nodes query, account numbers are grouped by their respective expense type, and the object codes are defined as the beginning of the number range associated with each expense type.
Column Fields | Description | Data Source |
ObjectCode |
Internal organization object code or other expense type category assigned to transaction |
ObjectCodeText |
Text to describe the object coding |
The Organization Unit file contains information of campus and every sub-organizational unit on the campuses, and is used to build an identification file of all the submitted organizational unit codes in the Award and Award ID files.
UTRGV methodology:
- Campus and college/school unit data is pulled from PeopleSoft Department List query, administrative or dean's office of each College/School/VP unit is used to represent the reporting unit, with the sub-organizational unit code corresponding to the department ID of these offices
Column Fields | Description | Data Source |
CampusId |
Campus identifier |
SubOrgUnit |
College level sub unit identifier |
CampusName |
Name of Campus |
SubOrgUnitName |
Name of the sub organizational unit |