Research and Safety Committees
The UTRGV's Safety Committees provide guidance and administrative oversight of environmental health and safety programs in the academic research. These committees are charged with responsibility to act in an advisory and consultative capacity regarding the administration, implementation and coordination of policies and procedures for safety and environmental health in University research activities.

The Institutional Review Board at UTRGV is responsible for the oversight of all research involving human participants. They help to ensure that all research participants are treated fairly and ethically and to assist researchers at UTRGV in the inclusion of human subjects' protections in both their study designs and implementation.

The UTRGV's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is specifically charged with the responsibility to assure the humane care and treatment of animals used or intended for use in all research, research training, experimentation, teaching, biological testing, or for related purposes involving live vertebrate animals.

The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is a federally mandated university committee responsible for reviewing research activities utilizing recombinant DNA (rDNA) and biohazardous materials to ensure that UTRGV principal investigators and lab personnel are adequately trained and utilize best practices when employing biological agents in research.