IPEDS data dictionary
These variables are used in IPEDS data collections to monitor enrollment and completion statistics across different student demographics, supporting institutional research and external reporting needs.
- AWLEVEL: Award level code. Describes the twelve levels under which completions can be reported, ranging from certificates less than 12 weeks to doctoral and post-master's certificates.
- CIPCODE: Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code. A six-digit code identifying instructional program specialties within educational institutions.
- CTOTALM: Awards/degrees conferred between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021, to grand total men.
- CTOTALT: Awards/degrees conferred between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021, to all recipients across all races/ethnicities and both genders.
- CTOTALW: Awards/degrees conferred between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021, to grand total women.
- EFFYLEV: Level of study, indicating students' enrollment level (e.g., undergraduate or graduate).
- EFYTOTLT: Total enrollment of students for credit in fall term, including undergraduate and graduate students.
- EFYTOTLM: Enrollment for male students in fall term, disaggregated by credit level.
- EFYTOTLW: Enrollment for female students in fall term, disaggregated by credit level.
- EFYAIAIT: Enrollment for American Indian/Alaska Native students in fall term.
- EFYAIAIM: Enrollment of male American Indian/Alaska Native students.
- EFYAIAIW: Enrollment of female American Indian/Alaska Native students.
- EFYAIANT: Total enrollment for Asian students in fall term.
- EFYAIANM: Enrollment of male Asian students in fall term.
- EFYAIANW: Enrollment of female Asian students in fall term.
- EFYBKAIT: Enrollment for Black or African American students in fall term.
- EFYBKAIM: Enrollment of male Black or African American students in fall term.
- EFYBKAIW: Enrollment of female Black or African American students in fall term.
- EFYHLT: Total enrollment for Hispanic or Latino students in fall term.
- EFYHLM: Enrollment of male Hispanic or Latino students.
- EFYHLW: Enrollment of female Hispanic or Latino students.
- EFYNHIPIAT: Enrollment for Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students.
- EFYNHIPIAM: Enrollment of male Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students.
- EFYNHIPIAW: Enrollment of female Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander students.
- EFYNHIAIT: Enrollment of non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian/Alaska Native students.
- EFYNHIAIM: Enrollment of non-Hispanic or Latino male American Indian/Alaska Native students.
- EFYNHIAIW: Enrollment of non-Hispanic or Latino female American Indian/Alaska Native students.
- EFYNRALT: Enrollment of non-resident alien students.
- EFYNRALM: Enrollment of non-resident alien male students.
- EFYNRALW: Enrollment of non-resident alien female students.
- EFYTWOT: Enrollment for students of two or more races.
- EFYTWOM: Enrollment of male students of two or more races.
- EFYTWOW: Enrollment of female students of two or more races.
- EFYUNKNT: Enrollment for students with unknown race/ethnicity.
- EFYUNKNM: Enrollment of male students with unknown race/ethnicity.
- EFYUNKNW: Enrollment of female students with unknown race/ethnicity.
- EFYTOTAIT: Enrollment for American Indian or Alaska Native students across all genders.
- EFYTOTAIM: Enrollment of male American Indian or Alaska Native students across all ages.
- EFYTOTAIW: Enrollment of female American Indian or Alaska Native students across all ages.
- EFYTOTBKT: Enrollment of Black or African American students across all genders and ages.
- EFYTOTBKM: Enrollment of Black or African American male students across all ages.
- EFYTOTBKW: Enrollment of Black or African American female students across all ages.
- EFYTOTHLT: Enrollment for Hispanic or Latino students across all ages and genders.
- EFYTOTHLM: Enrollment of Hispanic or Latino male students across all ages.