Yamilex Cantu
Name: Yamilex Cantu
Age: 20
Major: Bachelor of Fine Arts with a concentration in Graphic Design
College: College of Fine Arts
Hometown: Edinburg, Texas
High School: Johnny G. Economedes High School in Edinburg
Choosing to study at UTRGV enabled me to stay close to home while being relieved of the financial burden that college tends to accumulate. I have been fortunate enough to receive financial support and scholarships here at UTRGV, and I knew I could acquire a quality education in something I love to do here.
What made you decide on your current major?
In high school, I had a teacher once suggest I take up graphic design classes that were being offered off campus upon completing a project that required we make certain characters using only the existing shapes in PowerPoint. I remember having so much fun working on the project. At the time, I had already thought of registering for a graphic design class the following year, and her words of encouragement just confirmed my decision to be the correct one. The next year, with the help of my new graphic design teacher, I grew to understand and work with the Adobe Suite, as well as participate in a competition for digital illustration. By then, I was sure graphic design was what I planned to study and continue doing.
What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
I would like to apply for an internship after graduating to gain on-the-job kind of experience and help strengthen my graphic design skills. Afterwards, I plan to work for companies or advertising firms as well as do some freelance on the side.
What do you like most about UTRGV?
I like that the professors at the UTRGV School of Art and Design care so much about their students and are passionate when it comes to teaching. They are understanding yet also challenge students to improve on their design abilities and are always available to help us achieve a successful school semester. I am grateful to the professors I have had thus far, and I look forward to continuing my education in the upcoming semester.
What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
Being a Vaquero means not only being part of the alumni that makes up UTRGV, but also being part of the Hispanic community here in the Rio Grande Valley that is composed of hard-working individuals. As a Vaquero, I am also proof to my family que “¡Sí, se puede!”
What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
I have been exposed to various competitions that provide graphic design students the opportunity to put their work out there. I have also met wonderful professors that have seen the potential in my work even when I, myself, have had moments of doubt. Similarly, I have come to form connections with fellow student graphic designers that I look up to and have been able to learn from during my time at UTRGV.
What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?
Keep working hard and simply give it your best that you are able to provide at that given moment. Make sure to take breaks and take care of yourself just as much as you would anything else. I also highly recommend some sort of planner or calendar to keep track of deadlines to not overwhelm yourself. Remember what all your efforts are for. You got this!