Felicia Lopez
Name: Felicia Lopez
Age: 20
Major: English
College: College of Education and P-16 Integration
Hometown: Edinburg, Texas
High School: Robert Vela High School in Edinburg
I chose to attend UTRGV because it is in my hometown and what this university has that is not found at other universities is a sense of community and belonging. Because at other universities, they prioritize more on academics compared to fitting in into the actual university.
What made you decide on your current major?
I chose my major because I wanted to set the foundation for the next generation, I also had a lot of professors who encouraged me to get into my major.
What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
In the future, I see myself pursuing a master’s degree and eventually a Ph.D in my field of study.
What do you like most about UTRGV?
What I like most about UTRGV are the classes though some are challenging they present a unique opportunity for me to adapt and challenge myself to get better. Also professors are supportive and are always there to provide guidance, both in-class and in-office hours. Finally, what I like most about UTRGV, is that I have an opportunity to get an education in my hometown and I do not have to travel up north or out of state.
What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
What being a Vaquero means to me is being as helpful to everyone as possible by giving directions to new students or helping in the community.
What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
Advice from academic advisors, internships and volunteer opportunities. The UTRGV community has helped me achieve my goals. My professors and fellow peers have influenced me to succeed. By attending UTRGV, I have found individuals and groups who have the same drive as I do and are enthusiastic about helping in the community.
What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?
Advice that I have for my fellow students is not to give up. There is going to be a lot of obstacles on the road towards graduation, but it is through these obstacles that make people more resilient. One bad day is not the end of the world. A degree does not earn itself, it takes work and the work that is put in further tells your own story.