Marco I. Kidder
Name: Marco I. Kidder
Age: 20
Major: B.B.A. in Information Systems
Class: Junior
College: Robert C. Vackar College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Hometown: Edinburg, TX
High School: South Texas ISD World Scholars, Edinburg, TX
I chose to study at UTRGV because I found that the major I’m currently studying was available, along with keeping me close to my family and allowing me to use different resources and tools to professionally develop.
What made you decide on your current major?
I decided to pursue a degree in Information Systems because I’ve always been interested in computer engineering but also like business, so I found that Information Systems is a good mix of both. Moreover, there is currently a boom in that career path.
What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
In the future, I hope to keep learning to land a high paying job in the technology industry, but also be able to serve the community by being involved in different areas such as economic development and find more ways to obtain funds to help my community, the RGV, grow and develop. I aspire to be a community leader and a pioneer in the expansion of the Rio Grande Valley.
What do you like most about UTRGV?
Something I like most about UTRGV is that, since it’s fairly new, there are a lot of growth opportunities and many things the university can explore and expand on. Also, its involvement with the Rio Grande Valley community and organizations.
What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
Being a Vaquero means being a leader, being someone who wants to grow and take a stand for opportunities and someone who likes challenges. If something arises, we know how to own it because we are resilient.
What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
Being a student at UTRGV has allowed me to realize my passion for economic development and advocacy. UTRGV’s opportunities have been the following: Allowed me to be part of organizations such as the Student Government Association, American Marketing Association and serve in the Student Fee Advisory Committee along with making great connections and being able to absorb its top tier education.
What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?
The advice I have for fellow students pursuing their degrees is to not focus on the small picture but to see the bigger picture and enjoy every step of your journey, issues, and successes, enjoy them all and LEARN from them.