Suly Sanchez
Name: Suly Sanchez
Age: 20
Major: History with Teacher Certification
College: College of Liberal Arts
Hometown: Brownsville
High School: Idea Brownsville College Preparatory
Due to the pandemic I chose to stay but another reason which is also important is that my parents didn’t have to pay at all for my classes. With my scores and grades, I had everything pretty much paid. I also want my parents to see my journey into college and let them experience it!
What made you decide on your current major?
Although some may argue that reading history is quite boring, I find history such an important subject because we can all find a piece of history that may be so important to us. Furthermore, history has always been fun to analyze because so many events today reflect events in the past as well.
How are you maneuvering being a student during the COVID-19 pandemic?
It’s a tough thing to do. Not only do you have to make sure that you are doing your best in school but also making sure that you are taking care of yourself completely with the worry of family getting sick or myself. But I’ve managed, especially with my parents helping in any way they can to ensure I focus on school and pass to get my bachelor’s.
What are your greatest strengths and what are some challenges?
With COVID, one of my greatest strengths started to shine more during my work study job at the Center for Student Involvement with the Student Organizations team. Not only did my leadership skills grow but having confidence in myself has grown so much where I was so nervous to start a job because I just though I wasn’t enough. However, the biggest challenge I continue to face is prioritizing my own mental health. I try so much to put myself first but sometimes during this time it just seems like any little thing overwhelms you so much. Still, I’ve learned that I’m not alone and knowing that brings me comfort.
What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
I want to ensure that the next generation is prepared to speak up for themselves and their communities. With this pandemic, I saw so many of my generation speak for what they believe in, and I want to make sure that this continues to happen for many generations to come to ensure that everyone is treated fully with respect and finally have equity in our world. That’s why I believe that being an educator is so important.
What do you like most about UTRGV?
The Brownsville campus at first glance may seem a rather small campus. It has become my favorite place and especially my office (Center for Student Involvement) where everyone is already friends with each other, and no one is left out! However, UTRGV has become a school where I know the interest of a student’s needs are put first and especially with the variety of services that are provided!
What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
Being a Vaquero means that behind me going to school my family are also Vaqueros. My parents have been such great supporters for me when I first went to college. Being a Vaquero means that I’m always going to support not only myself but my community as well in any form that I can. Especially after my job where even if a student goes to the wrong office, we are always willing to send the student onto the right direction.
What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
I’d say that not only has my job allowed me to find great opportunities rather the Career Center has made an impact with the events they host through the year. Especially their Career Expos that I have visited and it’s not just opportunities that can be found here locally but all over Texas!
What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing degrees during the COVID-19 pandemic?
The most important thing to remind yourself is that you are a human being first. Your emotions and mental health are as important as you are yourself. Don’t feel upset about the fact that you may fall behind or not graduate on time. Putting yourself first will always be important to ensure that if you are wanting to perform better that you understand how you’re feeling day to day. Don’t hesitate to fail, be proud for being resilient.