Arely Suarez
Name: Arely Suarez
Age: 20
Major: Graphic Design
College: College of Fine Arts
Hometown: Mission, Texas
High School: Sharyland Advanced Academic Academy, Sharyland, TX
I chose UTRGV because of the chance it gave me to be close to home. Family has always been incredibly important to me and the opportunity to pursue a career while still being with my family was an opportunity that no other university could offer me. UTRGV also has an incredible graphic design program with excellent professors which only reassured me that this was the perfect place for me.
What made you decide on your current major?
My love for graphic design originated in a seventh-grade class. I decided to take a design course to fill a gap in my schedule and never expected for it to eventually become my career. My teacher at the time was an incredible inspiration to me, she opened career doors that I didn’t even consider possible. Her passion for design, along with her amazing skills and an outstanding eagerness to teach made me completely fall in love with design and the possibility of being able to be just like her. Since then, I focused my time on developing my skill and continued learning from professors who inspire me.
What do you hope to achieve beyond completion of your major?
After completing my degree, I hope to continue my studies and complete a master’s degree. While pursuing that, I hope to work for companies that I believe in and build my way up the design ladder. Eventually, I see myself creating my own business and providing branding for businesses that I believe will benefit our community.
What do you like most about UTRGV?
What I love the most about UTRGV is that it gave me some of my best friends as well as incredible bonds with professors that I will cherish forever.
What does being a Vaquero mean to you?
Coming to UTRGV and getting a first-hand experience into the Vaquero life has allowed me to gain pride in being one. To me, being a hardworking individual who is looking to better themselves, their community, and are always striving for success is what being a Vaquero is all about.
What opportunities has UTRGV helped you find throughout your community?
Because of UTRGV, I have been able to set my grounds as a designer throughout my community and even internationally. Through the connections I’ve built, I have been able to participate in many competitions relating to my career and have even been awarded in some of them. Aside from connections, I was also able to build a portfolio from all my classes at the university and was offered an amazing job with a company that I love.
What advice do you have for fellow students pursuing their degrees?
If there is any advice I have for my fellow Vaqueros, it is to always trust your gut, do your homework and no matter how hard it gets, if you love what you do, it’ll always be worth it in the end!