Approved 08-5-2024 Effective beginning Fall 2024
Admitted teacher candidates into The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) Educator Preparation Program (EPP) are expected to demonstrate professional dispositions and abilities. Furthermore, all teacher candidates, who are recommended to the State of Texas for teaching certification, are expected to demonstrate that they are prepared to teach in their respective fields. Successful completion of university coursework, demonstrating professionalism, ethical behavior and adhering to professional standards are indicators of being ready to teach.
- The state of Texas requires all educator preparation programs to have an exit policy for the dismissal of candidates that is published, reviewed, and signed by candidates when they are admitted to the program. See 19 TAC §228.31(b)(approved February 16, 2024 to be effective September 1, 2024).
- An educator candidate may be dismissed from the EPP in the event they demonstrate behavior not consistent with the professional and ethical expectations of an educator in Texas.
- An inactive candidate is one who is no longer completing coursework, training, and testing requirements with an EPP and is not a completer of the EPP.
- After one academic year (two long regular semester terms) of inactivity, candidates enrolled in the EPP will be notified that they will be dismissed from the EPP and must follow university policy for readmission and then apply for readmission to the EPP. Dismissed candidates will be removed from the “other enrolled” list by OEPA.
- In order to be readmitted to the EEP after a period of inactivity, a dismissed candidate must follow the re-admission processes required by UTRGV Admissions and by the Office of Educator Preparation and Accountability (OEPA).
- Readmission to the EPP will be considered on an individual basis. Program requirements may change over time because of revisions in certification rules or educator standards; therefore, re-admittance could mean that there are new criteria that the re-admitted applicant must meet.