In the College of Education and P-16 Integration (CEP), we offer doctoral, master’s, and bachelor degrees aimed at preparing educators, leaders, and mental health professionals for today’s world. Our students are at the center of our work, and our faculty and staff are committed to student success. Therefore, we prioritize quality and continuous improvement to provide excellent education and experiences to all our students.
The quality of our programs is evidenced by national and state accreditation by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), and the Texas Education Agency (TEA); the participation of our doctoral programs in the Carnegie Project for the Education Doctorate (CPED); the national rankings of our online master’s programs; and the multiple commendations received by our teacher preparation program from the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC). We are positioned at the forefront of data use for program improvement and data-informed decision-making through our robust quality assurance system, which allows us to monitor and maintain program quality and ensure student success.
In the CEP we highly value our collaboration with our school district and community partners, who are instrumental in providing quality field experience settings for our candidates to develop into skilled professionals. We also value and respect the contributions of our candidates’ families and communities, which we are committed to serve.
I invite you to explore our website where you will find information about our 5 departments and multiple programs and initiatives. I also invite you to visit us at our Edinburg and Brownsville campuses. Thank you for your interest in our college!
Dr. Alma D. Rodríguez

Dean's Office Team
Name | Phone (956) | Campus | |
Dr. Alma D. Rodríguez Dean |
665-3627 882-5708 | | RGV |
Dr. Javier Cavazos Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Success, Professor |
665-2873 882-7675 | | Edinburg EEDUC 3.102H |
Dr. Veronica Estrada Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation, Professor |
665-2431 | | Edinburg EEDUC 3.102C |
Dr. Criselda Garcia Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies |
665-3448 | | Edinburg EEDUC 3.102G |
Dr. Federico Guerra, Jr. Associate Dean for Graduate Studies |
665-5002 | | Edinburg EEDUC 3.102D |
Kayla Reyes College Administrator |
665-8795 882-7220 | | Edinburg EEDUC 3.102I Brownsville BMAIN 2.306B |
Name | Phone (956) | Campus | |
Luis Azpeitia College of Education Assessment Coordinator |
882-5768 | | Brownsville BMAIN 2.312 |
Juan De La Rosa System Analyst I |
665-7367 | | Edinburg EEDUC 3.230E |
Denise De Los Santos Administrative Coordinator |
665-2257 | |
Edinburg |
Gricelda Leal Office Assistant III |
882-5708 | | Brownsville BMAIN 2.306 |
Luis Machuca Systems Analyst III |
882-4242 | | Brownsville BMAIN 2.302 |
Maria F. Machuca Senior Research Services Coordinator |
882-5708 | | Brownsville BMAIN 2.306 |
Derek Perez Outreach Representative II |
665-3097 | | Edinburg EEDUC 2.520 |
Dania Ruiz Program Specialist |
882-5718 | | Brownsville BMAIN 1.210J |
Belinda Valles Administrative Associate |
665-3627 | | Edinburg EEDUC 3.102 |