sopm student

Registrar Services

UTRGV School of Podiatric Medicine Registrar Services functions as an extension of the University Registrar’s Office and supports podiatric medicine students and faculty by maintaining student permanent academic records and documents pertaining to each matriculated student’s progress through the podiatric medicine program. Our office also provides certification for currently enrolled students and alumni.


It is our commitment to support our students and faculty by guaranteeing confidentiality, respect, and high-quality service. Some of our services include:

  • Enrollment of all SOPM students
  • Processing schedule changes upon appropriate approval
  • Enrollment verifications & certifications of good standing
  • Monitoring compliance of criminal background checks (CBC) and drug screenings (DS)
  • Pre-clerkship certifications, including CBC and DS


Academic Records

The Office of Registrar Services at the UTRGV School of Podiatric Medicine is responsible for maintaining permanent records and documents that pertain to each matriculated student's progress through podiatry school. These records include application materials, podiatry school evaluations, official transcripts of all podiatry school coursework, documentation of grade changes, American Podiatric Medical Licensing Examination (APMLE) scores administered by the National Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners and APMLE ID number, official dates of enrollment, Podiatric Medical Student Performance Evaluations (PMSPE), documentation of dismissal or withdrawal, copy of diploma, copy of Federation of State Medical Boards and other state licensing forms. The procedures used in managing these records are consistent with established standards and existing regulations. Educational records are considered confidential. Under most circumstances, an individual student's records will not be released without the student's written and signed consent.

UTRGV School of Podiatric Medicine adheres to the UT System Board of Regents’ Rules and Regulations Rule 50702 Confidentiality and Security of Education Records Subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

The academic record reflects the total, unabridged academic history of a student at the SOPM. All courses will be recorded in the academic period in which the course was taken and graded.

Access Academic Records

Students may obtain their records using ASSIST. Students may log in to with their UTRGV usernames and passwords and click on the ASSIST icon under the Applications area. Students requiring an official hard paper copy of their grades may request an official transcript.

Official Transcript

Current and former UTRGV School of Podiatric Medicine students requiring their official academic record may request a transcript using the university's online ordering service - there is a $5 fee. Requests are only accepted using our online ordering option. If you are not able to access our online ordering system, please email us at

Enrollment Verifications

An enrollment verification of a student is used to officially verify a student's enrollment status, anticipated graduation date, and proof of attendance. This is often needed for loan deferments, insurance companies, banks, conference attendance, organizational membership applications, and other interested parties.

Students at the UTRGV School of Podiatric Medicine may request enrollment verifications by downloading and completing the Enrollment Documentation Request Form and forwarding it to our SOPM Registrar Services Offices at If appropriate, enrollment verifications will also certify good standing at UTRGV SOPM.

Certifications of Good Standing

A Certification of Good Standing is used to certify enrollment and to officially certify that the student is in good standing at the UTRGV School of Podiatric Medicine. Broadly defined, a student in good standing is one who is eligible to continue, return, or transfer elsewhere. It implies good academic standing and good citizenship. Like an enrollment verification, this certification is also often needed for good student discounts, insurance companies, banks, conference attendance, organizational membership applications, and other interested parties.

Students at the UTRGV SOPM may use the same Enrollment Documentation Request Form to request a certification of good standing.