Institutional Review Board
About IRB
The Mission of the Institutional Review Boards at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley is to ensure that all research participants are treated fairly and ethically and to assist researchers at UTRGV in the inclusion of human subjects protections in both their study designs and implementation. The Office of Research Compliance assists the IRB by facilitating research reviews and providing administrative support. For more information on the Health Affairs IRB, please visit the IRB Support page or email the Office of Research Compliance at or call (956) 665-3598.
IRB/Clinical Research Announcement Templates
- The purpose of the templates is for researchers to make announcements about participation in studies/recruitment, speaker presentations, etc.
- Choosing to use any of these three templates can expedite the process because they are already pre-approved by UTRGV Marketing and the IRB Office. You still need IRB approval for the content of the flyers, but the IRB already approves of the overall look.
- Choosing to use a different template will likely result in a delay of approval for your research project. Different templates must get approved first by UTRGV Marketing and then by the IRB before moving forward.
- If you have any questions, please contact us at
IRB Reciprocity Agreements
In order to avoid duplication of IRB applications to two separate review committees when conducting multi-site studies, 15 UT universities have IRB Reciprocity Agreements. For more information on The University of Texas System Reciprocity Agreements, please visit Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects Research or email
Master Agreements for Clinical Trials/Studies
Master agreements are available as starting points for negotiations with research sponsors for clinical and, in some cases, preclinical or other types of studies. Faculty members are welcome to use these agreements as starting points; however, all contracts must be processed through the appropriate office at each UT Institution. For more information, please visit the Office of Research Compliance where you can find the most current list of companies with whom UT System has executed master agreements for clinical trials/studies on behalf of their component institutions. You can also email them at
Human Subjects Protection Training (CITI)
An active CITI Human Subjects Protection Training and Responsible Conduct of Research Training is required for all members of the research team. The Human Subjects Protection Courses are good for 2 years while the Responsible Conduct of Research Courses are good for 4 years.
The course you should complete depends on the type of research you are going to conduct. All CITI completion reports must be provided upon submission of an IRB request such as a new project or modification to add someone to the project. If you are submitting a continuation request for extension of approval, be sure to check whether your CITI course is still valid. It should be at least 3 months from expiration. For more information, please visit the Office of Research Compliance or email them at
Assistance with Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) applications for research, teaching, and testing activities involving animals.
Assistance with Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) applications for research involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules and biological hazardous materials.