Cost Share Guidelines
Cost sharing is the portion of the sponsor project's costs that are paid from sources other than the sponsor. Federal regulations require that cost sharing be allocable to a specific project and that it be verifiable.; The Office of Grants and Contracts together with the Office of Sponsored Programs collects and tracks data pertaining to grant related Cost Sharing.
Costs allocated as cost share must be:
- Be necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient accomplishment of project objectives;
- Be readily verifiable from the University's official records;
- Not be paid by the federal government under another award (except where authorized under federal statue to be used for Cost Sharing);
- Not be already committed as Cost Sharing for any other sponsored award; and
- Be allowable under applicable cost principles, such as OMB Circular A-21
The following guidelines should be observed in preparation of budgets to support applications, proposals and contract agreements:
General. Prior approval from the Dean and Finance and Administration is required for any proposals committing cost sharing or matching funds to a sponsoring agency.
Responsibilities and of Principal Investigators/Project Directors. The PI/PD must ensure that any cost sharing and matching funds are expended as indicated in the proposal to the sponsor.
Responsibility of Grants and Contracts Dept. The university will maintain separate accounting records on all sponsored projects with approved or mandatory cost sharing.