The UTRGV School of Medicine is dedicated to building a healthier and stronger community. Our educational, health care, and research programs are aimed at reducing health disparities in the Rio Grande Valley and designed to improve the health and lives of our underserved areas. We define ourselves by our service to the community and provide a wealth of medical resources and expertise to support our South Texas community. Initiatives like our UniMovil mobile health clinic and Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) provide primary and preventative care services to patients in medically underserved areas as part of our mission to improve the health and well-being of families in the Rio Grande Valley and beyond.
Area Health Education Centers (AHEC)
Welcome to the Office of Community Health Partnerships and the Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Program. The purpose of the AHEC Program is to help reduce the significant shortage of primary health care providers in rural and medically underserved communities in the Rio Grande Valley.
View More on AHECUnited Health Foundation in January 2015 awarded the UTRGV School of Medicine a three-year, $2.88 million grant to establish the Center for Colonia Integrated Care Program: VIDAS (Valley Interprofessional Development and Services) to build an integrated, interprofessional collaborative that will create a sustainable model for healthcare delivery to the most vulnerable members of the community.
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