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Steps to Decrease Blackboard Course Size

In order to prevent potential problems in the future, it is recommended to clean your courses from time to time. Large courses can impact Blackboard performance over time and cause issues when completing course copies. Below you will find a few recommendations to decrease the size of your course without impacting your teaching.

Duplicate Content/Multiple Imported Content Folder

Check your course’s content collection for duplicated files and folders.


  1. Remove any duplicated files or folders. (TIP: Use the 360° View to identify content that is linked to areas in your course), or
  2. Create a new folder and relink the course content items.

Video and Audio Files

Check if you have any video or audio files stored in your Blackboard course content.


  1. Migrate your videos from your Blackboard course content to Panopto.

Video Assignments

If you required video assignment submissions in your course, the student submissions can make your course size to exceed your course size limit.


  1. Use the Panopto Student Video Submission tool for any video assignments required in your course.
  2. Share these instructions with your students on how to submit a Panopto video assignment.

Large Files

Check your course’s content collection for large files and determine if these could be resized. Ex.
PDF Documents, Images, PowerPoints, etc.


  1. Reduce the file size by compressing files or reducing dimensions.

Unused Content

Review your course for content that is no longer used.


  1. Delete unused content from content areas and the content collection. 

Add Files from Cloud Storage

To save some space in your course, you may add files to your course from Cloud Storage solutions such as OneDrive, Google Drive, or Dropbox.


  1. Add files from Cloud Storage such as Google Drive or OneDrive. Learn more