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Organization Enrollments

How to Enroll a Single User

  1. Access your organization.
  2. Expand “Users and Groups”.
  3. Click on “Users”.
  4. Click on “Find Users to Enroll”.
  5. Type the UTRGV email address of the user in the username field.
  6. Select the appropriate role.
  7. Click on “Submit”.


How to Enroll Multiple Users

  1. Access your organization.
  2. Expand “Users and Groups”.
  3. Click on “Users”.
  4. Click on “Find Users to Enroll”.
  5. Type the UTRGV email addresses of the users in the username field. Use a comma to separate each user. Ex:,,
  6. Select the appropriate role.
  7. Click on “Submit”.


How to do a Batch Enrollment

  1. Access your organization.
  2. Expand “Users and Groups”.
  3. Click on “Users”.
  4. Click on “Batch Enroll Users”.
  5. Click on “Browse” to select the batch CSV file.
  6. Use the Organization Batch Enrollment file as reference to create the batch file. List all users with their UTRGV email address on column "A". Add a "1" for columns "B" and "C". Leave column "D" empty. Add the role in column "F", type "S" for Participant/Student, "P" for Leader/Instructor. Make sure to save the file as CSV format.
  7. Click on “Submit”.

Note: Only users enrolled as "Organization Leaders" will be able to process these types of organization enrollments.