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Impact Course Report 1.3

With the Impact Course Report 1.3, you can access:

  • Course Activity Key Figures
  • Tool Adoption Metrics and
  • User Activity Reports

With this report, you will be able to see which students are visiting your course, reading your announcements, viewing your content, and how often they are accessing your course tools within a specific time period. Impact Course Reports allow you to track how your students are accessing content and tools in your course and can be used to identify students who may need extra support.

To access the Impact Course Reports navigate to and expand the Course Tools area of your Course Management panel and then click on Impact Course Report 1.3.

Impact Course Report

Course Activity

In the Course Activity section, you can find key figures such as the number of students enrolled in the course, a percentage of the student participation level, the number of days since a student last access the course, and the number of days since an instructor last access the course.

Course Activity Report

Tool Adoption

In the Tool Adoption section, you can see an analysis of active users during a specified time period.

Each Tool Group can be expanded to view the results at a lower level by clicking the ⊞ icon. When a Tool Group is highlighted in the Tool Adoption Breakdown, it’s Sub Segments are displayed in the graph to the right and in the User Activity section display below this report.

By hovering your mouse over a plotted point on the graph, you’re able to see the actual figure represented. Data can be presented graphically as a fixed or scaled percentage or using actual numbers, and as a trend line or cumulative graph type.

Tool Adoption

Note: You can remove items from the graph by clicking on the relevant item in the graph’s legend. Click once to remove the data from the view, click again to return the data to the graph.

User Activity

This section presents a list of enrolled students and their activity levels. This list provides the total number of clicks within a particular Tool Group in the module site (such as 'Learning Materials' or 'Assessment') during the time period specified in the Tool Adoption section.

When a new Tool Group is highlighted in the Tool Adoption section, these results update to provide a breakdown of the Sub Segments within that Tool Group.

The data in the table can be sorted by clicking on the ♦️ icon next to each column heading. Click once to sort ascending, click again to sort descending.

User Activity

Note: You can also export the data into a CSV file containing the information displayed by clicking the download icon.

Impact Course Report Video