Students with supporting documentation of their disability may qualify for a variety of services from the SAS office. These services include, but are not limited to:
SAS Liaison
Each student who submits documentation to SAS is assigned to a staff member (e.g. Access Coordinator or Assistant Director) who will meet with the student to review documentation and discuss accommodations. SAS professional staff are available to advise students with any disability-related concerns. SAS may refer students to additional resources on campus or in the community, as well as advise students on how to effectively apply their accommodations in the classroom and engage in self-advocacy. Student Accessibility Services serves as a liaison between students, faculty, and staff to promote positive and effective communication on disability issues. SAS serves as a campus resource on Section 504 and the ADAAA and works to ensure that eligible students registered with SAS receive appropriate accommodations. SAS advocates for students with disabilities and also recognizes the need for all students to meet UTRGV’s academic standards.
Assistive Technology (AT)
Students are expected to acquire their personal AT devices. However, some equipment, if in stock, may be checked out by eligible students on a first-come, first-serve basis each semester. Students checking out equipment from SAS will be required to sign an Equipment Check-Out form each semester. Equipment must be returned at the end of each semester or a student can check out the equipment again, for the following semester. IMPORTANT: AT equipment that is not returned at the end of the semester will result in a hold being placed on the student’s academic record. Students may be charged for lost or broken items.
Reader/Scribe Services
Most students who need material read to them, such as for exams, will be provided with an electronic version of the test. However, reader services can be provided in those circumstances when an electronic version is unavailable. Scribe services are provided by SAS for students in need of assistance with writing during testing.
Interpreting Services
Students who are Deaf are provided with sign-language interpreters for all academic settings directly related to class (i.e., class time, class assignments, and instructor-generated review sessions), as well as campus events. Students who are Hard of Hearing may also be eligible for sign-language interpreter services. Please contact SAS to schedule an appointment to discuss this accommodation.
Professional & Ethical Behavior of Interpreters
The interpreter's role at UTRGV is to facilitate communication between the Deaf and Hard of Hearing students and the hearing persons in his/her educational environment. Interpreters should follow the Principles for Interpreter Behavior as outlined in the Board of Evaluators for Interpreters Handbook and the RID Code of Professional Conduct.
The interpreter may have to educate the student on the proper use of interpreters since some students may not have used interpreter services in the past. Interpreters should keep in mind that independence is the final goal for the student and should help to promote independence at every opportunity.
Requesting an Interpreter
To request an interpreter, the student needs to complete an Interpreter Request Student Form at least 48 hours before the event. Please be sure to include:
- Name and UTRGV email (if available)
- Exact location and date of the event
- Beginning and ending times of the event
- Name of the contact person and phone number where they can be reached.
Student Requests for Interpreter Replacement
Students may request that an interpreter be replaced for the following reasons:
- skill,
- communication preference (mismatch),
- personal reasons.
If a student has a concern with an interpreter, the following steps should be taken:
- First, the student should give the interpreter an opportunity to resolve the problem or improve the situation. Open and direct communication between the interpreter and the student helps resolve most situations. Given the opportunity, most interpreters are willing to accommodate reasonable requests.
- If the problem persists, the student should contact ASL Services at (956) 665-7005 or
- If you believe the situation is unresolved, contact the Director of SAS, at (956) 665-7005.
- If the problem persists after contacting the Director of SAS, you have the option to report it to Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Interpreter Evaluations
At the end of the semester, evaluation forms will be sent to interpreters, students, and faculty. Students may also complete an evaluation in the middle of the semester to provide useful feedback for the interpreter.
Interpreter No-Shows
If a student is in a class in which the interpreter has not shown up, s/he should wait ten minutes, then contact the interpreter coordinator. A substitute will be sent if one is available. All interpreter no-shows will be documented and appropriate follow-up will be taken .
Student No-Shows
If a student does not show up, the interpreter should wait until the appropriate time for the student to show up to class. Interpreters are encouraged to use their judgment in the least disruptive place to wait for students. In case the student will be absent or late, s/he should contact the Interpreter Coordinator as soon as possible. If the student misses two (2) consecutive classes during the semester without notifying SAS, interpreting services will be suspended. To reinstate services, the student must meet with a SAS staff member. The student SHOULD NOT contact the interpreter assigned to his/her class through social media platforms (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to inform them.
Student Tardiness
If the student receiving services will be arriving late for class, s/he should contact SAS at (956) 665-7005 or If SAS is not contacted, the interpreter(s) will leave your classroom. The interpreter(s) should wait for 15 minutes for a class lasting less than 75 minutes and 30 minutes for a class longer than 75 minutes.
If no contact is made with SAS and the student does not show up within the specified times, the interpreter(s) may be reassigned.
Planned Absences
If the student has an appointment or meeting and will miss class, s/he should advise the Interpreter Coordinator as soon as possible about the planned absence. If leaving a message, please make sure to provide the following information:
1. Full name2. Class name3. Class time4. Date of absenceCounsel or Advice
Interpreters should not counsel or advise the student during or after the assignment. For example, dropping a course is an important decision that may affect a student’s academic standing status and the student should not turn to an interpreter for guidance. Dropping a course is a decision the student should make after consulting with the course instructor and/or an advisor.
CART Services (Communication Access Real-Time)
The CART provider’s role is to facilitate communication between the Deaf and Hard of Hearing students and the hearing persons in his/her educational environment.
The provider may have to educate the student on the proper use of CART services since some students may not have used such services in the past. Providers should keep in mind that independence is the final goal for the student and should help to promote independence at every opportunity.Requesting CART services
To request CART services, the student needs to complete an Interpreter/CART Request Form found at at least 48 hours before the event and specify the need for CART in the “Additional Information” box on the Interpreter Request Form.
Please be sure to include:
- Name
- Exact location and date of the event
- Beginning and ending times of the event
- Name of the contact person and phone number where they can be reached
Request for Replacement
Students may request that a CART provider be replaced for the following reasons:
- skill
- communication preference (mismatch)
- personal reasons
The request will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
if a student has a concern with a CART provider, the following steps should be taken:
- First, the student should give the CART writer an opportunity to resolve the problem or improve the situation. Open and direct communication between the CART writer and the student helps resolve most situations. Given the opportunity, most CART writers are willing to accommodate reasonable requests.
- If the problem persists, the student should contact ASL Services at (956) 665-7005 or
- If you believe the situation is unresolved, contact the Director of SAS, at (956) 665-7005.
CART Provider No-Shows
If a student is in a class in which the provider has not shown up or connected, s/he should wait ten minutes, then contact the interpreter coordinator. A substitute will be contacted if one is available. All CART provider no-shows will be documented and appropriate follow-up will be taken by SAS staff.
Student No-Shows
If a student does not show up, the provider should wait the appropriate time for the student to show up to class. In case the student will be absent or late, s/he should contact the Interpreter Coordinator as soon as possible. If the student misses two (2) consecutive classes during the semester without notifying SAS, CART services will be suspended. To reinstate services, the student must meet with a SAS staff member. The student SHOULD NOT contact the CART provider assigned to his/her class through social media platforms (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to inform them.
Student Tardiness
If the student receiving services will be arriving late for class, s/he should contact SAS at (956) 665-7005 or The CART provider should wait for 15 minutes for a class lasting less than 75 minutes and 30 minutes for a class longer than 75 minutes.
If no contact is made with SAS and the student does not show up within the specified times, the CART writer may be reassigned.
Planned Absences
If the student has an appointment or meeting and will miss class, s/he should advise the Interpreter Coordinator as soon as possible about the planned absence. If leaving a message, please make sure to provide the following information:
1. Full name2. Class name3. Class time4. Date of absenceCounsel or Advice
CART writers should not counsel or advise the student during or after the assignment. For example, dropping a course is an important decision that may affect a student’s academic standing status and the student should not turn to the CART writer for guidance. Dropping a course is a decision the student should make after consulting with the course instructor and/or an advisor. Thus, to insert their own opinion is a violation of the Code of Professional Conduct.
Alternate Format
Students registered with SAS who have an approved accommodation for alternate format for textbook(s) and other course materials must follow the procedures below.
A Request for an Alternate Format must be submitted through the mySAS portal. For instructions on how to submit in mySAS, click on the following link:
Students' requests will be processed in the order in which they are received by SAS, on a first-come, first-served basis. Students are responsible for complying with all alternate format procedures.
Common alternate formats include enlarged texts, recorded texts, electronic texts, or brailed course materials. SAS works with each student to provide an appropriate format. Textbook/print conversion is a time-intensive process, especially for technical subject matter, and can require several weeks or even months to complete. Once the student has notified SAS of his/her enrollment in a course, SAS may ask the instructor for information about course materials to secure them in a timely manner. SAS offers resources necessary for students to convert their materials should they choose to do so.
Depending on student needs and eligibility, SAS can make printed material available in the following formats:
- E-text (electronic text)
- Textbooks will be requested from the publisher and class material(s) will be scanned and provided to the student, depending on the size of the document, as follows:
- E-File will be uploaded to mySAS Portal or One Drive with UTRGV student access (access will be provided via UTRGV e-mail to the student). NOTE: One Drive access will be removed 2 weeks after the enrolled semester ends.
- A student may pick up a copy of the E-text at the SAS office on a USB, or equivalent, provided by the student.
- Other methods may be available at the request of the student (e.g. copy on CD or DVD, SD card, or other media to be provided by the student).
- Textbooks will be requested from the publisher and class material(s) will be scanned and provided to the student, depending on the size of the document, as follows:
- Audio
- Audiobooks that are made available by publishers will be requested by SAS. If the textbook is not available in audio format, e-text will be converted to MP3 files using text to audio software or online resources for an alternate format. Content will be shared via a USB, flash drive, or equivalent, provided by the student. All files will be uploaded to One Drive for student access to the material during the semester in which they are enrolled.
- Enlarged Print
- Electronic text will be converted to enlarged print. Class material(s) may be enlarged to the font size required by the student. Students must be aware that the page numbers may not correspond to those in the textbook once the material has been enlarged and the content may not have the same structure as the original.
- Braille
- Students may upload coursework to the mySAS portal or e-mail an attachment of the document or drop off hard copies at the SAS office which will be scanned and transcribed into Braille.
- Students registered with SAS can request an alternate format during the semester/module in which they are enrolled. It is the student's responsibility to follow these procedures to ensure materials are converted in a timely manner.
IMPORTANT: Four to six weeks before the first class day, the student should submit an Alternate Format Request in the mySAS portal. Instructions for how to request an Alternate Format are located at the following link:
The student will also upload a course syllabus to the mySAS portal, to SAS in person, or via email to upon submission of the Alternate Format Request. Failure to provide a syllabus may result in materials not being converted in the order in which they are required for a course.
The student will provide all requested materials, including textbooks, textbook receipts, course packets, course syllabi, and any other required course materials.
Requests for the alternate format will be completed by SAS staff in the order in which they are received by SAS. When possible, SAS will first submit a request to the publisher for an accessible copy of the book. If the book is not available from the publisher, SAS will request publisher approval for the reproduction of the content and the student will be required to submit a copy of the book.
The time required to produce an alternate format will depend on the date of request, the format of the book, and the format being requested from publishers.
SAS will make every effort to provide students with their preferred format. However, SAS cannot guarantee that the preferred format will be available from a publisher. SAS decisions about which format to produce depend on many factors, including the date the material is presented to the office, the quality of the printed material, the volume of requested materials, and the requested due date. SAS will obtain or convert the material as soon as possible. Students should frequently check their UTRGV email for notification of when materials are ready to be picked up at SAS.
Student Accessibility Services cannot produce copies or reprint any material that is copyrighted without first obtaining the permission of the copyright holder.
To complete the high-speed scanning process, books and course materials will be taken apart and scanned, previewed/edited, and converted. Depending on the quality of print in the book, the preview/edit time will differ. Since the books are taken apart, there is virtually no resale value. SAS will re-bind the books upon request. The student has the option to provide SAS with quality photocopies of their assignments instead of having bindings removed from textbooks. The student may not revise, convert, disassemble, modify, sell, license, rent, loan, or otherwise share the alternate format with any other person.
- E-text (electronic text)
Testing Accommodations
Students who are registered with SAS and are approved for accommodations on tests must comply with the following procedures.
The term, “test,” refers to all course assessments including quizzes and exams.
Students should provide their accommodation letters to instructors before requesting to test at SAS. Tests reservations should be made at least one full week (5 business days) before the exam date. For SAS to acquire the tests in a timely manner and to ensure adequate space to proctor the test.
Students must complete an Alternative Testing Agreement online or at the SAS office for each “test” using the mySAS portal: SAS will automatically email the Alternative Testing Agreement Link to the Instructor(s).
- If an alternate format is needed, the student should note this on the “Services Requested (As Applicable)” box.
- It is the student’s responsibility to remind the instructor that he/she is taking a test at SAS.
- The student may not adjust the time or date of the test without prior written approval from the instructor.
- SAS office hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
- If a test is scheduled beyond these hours, SAS will coordinate an alternate test time with the student and instructor when possible.
- SAS office hours will be extended during midterms and final exams.
Students are required to test at the campus where the course is located. In other words, if the course is located in Edinburg, the student will test at Edinburg SAS and not Brownsville SAS (and vice versa).
- A student requesting to test at a different campus (Brownsville SAS) from where their course is located (Edinburg SAS) must provide SAS with written approval from the instructor before the testing date.
Test Requests for Campus-based Courses:
Students must submit an Alternative Testing form at least one full week (5 business days) before the test date. The Alternative Testing form can be completed at the SAS office or mySAS portal link:
Test Day
On the day of the scheduled test, the student should arrive at SAS prepared and ready to begin the test at the scheduled time.
- Student Accessibility Services (SAS) strives to ensure academic integrity for all exams proctored in our offices. Therefore, students scheduled for testing at SAS candidates may be asked to show a valid non-expired form of photo identification at the discretion of testing personnel. A UTRGV Student ID or Valid Government ID (Driver’s License, ID Card, Passport, etc.) is permissible to confirm identity. Identification must be a physical ID; photocopies or digital versions are not accepted. Without proper photo identification, you may not be allowed to test.
- Test time will not be adjusted if a student does not arrive at the scheduled time of the test.
- Example: Test is scheduled 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm, SAS student arrives late at 2:20 pm, the test end time will remain 4:30.
- If a student arrives 15 minutes or more after a scheduled exam time, the student will not be allowed to take the test at SAS unless SAS has previously received written authorization from the instructor indicating the student can begin the test at a later time.
- Tests are required to be submitted to the proctor, once the student has been notified that the test time has concluded. The course instructor will be notified, and the incident documented if failure to submit the test to the proctor at the instructed time occurs.
- Once a student arrives at SAS, he/she is not allowed to use scheduled test time to study, review notes, etc.
If an instructor does not submit proctoring instructions, a student will not be allowed to take any items into the testing room. Items not allowed during a test may include:
- Books, notes, formula sheets, or any paper not previously approved by the instructor or SAS staff
- Any electronic devices such as cell phones, iPods/iPads, flash drives, Google glasses, and smartwatches or fit watches
- Calculators
- Backpack/Bags/Purses
- Hats/Caps/Visors
- Drink bottles with labels (food or drink will be allowed only if it is an approved accommodation)
- Any other items not previously approved by the instructor or SAS staff
If a student insists on using items not preapproved, they will not be allowed to take the “test”. The student has the option to take the scheduled “test” per proctoring instructions, or the student can attempt to contact the course instructor to allow additional items. If communication is not received, the student may contact their course instructor to reschedule the “test’. It will be the instructor’s discretion to reschedule any test.
It is the student’s responsibility to come prepared for the exam with the required testing materials which may include pencils, erasers, pens, calculator, Scantron, and/or Bluebook. All calculators (including graphing calculators) with memory must be erased before beginning each test.
Missed Test Deadline- If a student submits a Test Request form after the deadline described above, it is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor via email and carbon copy
- If the instructor approves the late test request, SAS will communicate with the instructor to obtain the test at the scheduled test time.
- If SAS is not able to contact the instructor or the instructor does not approve the late test request, the student may need to take the test in the classroom. In such cases, the student may or may not receive all testing accommodations due to the late test request.
- If a student requests to reschedule an exam for a different date or time due to the missed test request deadline SAS office will need prior written approval from the instructor.
Test Procedures for Instructors:
SAS will send an Alternative Testing Agreement Link to the Instructor after it is received from the student. The instructor should complete the form and provide specific proctoring instructions for SAS staff. If the instructor does not submit any proctoring instructions the student will not be allowed to take any items into the testing room.
When providing SAS with a digital copy of the test, instructors can attach exam files within the Alternative Testing Agreement form. The Instructor may also email and or reply to the original “Test Request” email sent from Alternately, instructors may make arrangements for SAS staff to pick up the test at their office or department.
Note: Arrangements for test pick-up times need to be made at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled test time.- If an instructor does not provide a test by the scheduled test time, SAS staff will make every effort to acquire the test. If the test is not obtained from the instructor at the scheduled test time, SAS will communicate with the instructor and student to reschedule.
Tests in Alternate Format:
For the alternate format of tests (audio, braille, enlargement, etc.), instructors need to provide the exam at least 48 hours in advance to SAS staff since the alternative format conversion process can be time-consuming. When possible, electronic versions (PDF, Word, etc.) are preferred over hard copies. If exams are not sent in a timely manner to convert into the designated format needed for the registered SAS student, alternate testing arrangements will be made in collaboration with the instructor and student.
Returning completed tests to instructors
Completed exams will be uploaded to the mySAS portal and instructors may access them through their instructor profile. This delivery method serves as the primary default status of returning exams to faculty. Physical exams will be shredded within 7-10 business days after the examination. If an instructor would like a hard copy, they must notify SAS through the proctoring instructions or via email before the designated shredding timeframe.
- All hard copies of tests will be returned to the instructor by SAS staff in a sealed security bag or, at the request of the instructor, the test may be scanned, emailed, and then shredded by SAS staff.
- The test will be scanned and emailed to and then forwarded to the instructor.
- If the instructor wishes to also have a physical copy of the test delivered on-campus, SAS staff may deliver it within 1 business day.
If an instructor requests for the test to be returned to the academic department, the test is delivered to the requested location and/or UTRGV staff or faculty. If instructions for delivery are not received the exam will be delivered to the instructor’s department. The Test Request form is signed and dated by the person receiving the test. The test then becomes the responsibility of the staff or faculty who signs the form, who will then ensure the test is given to the instructor.
On occasion, an instructor may authorize a student to test on a campus other than where the course is located. In such cases, the instructor provides the exam to SAS according to departmental procedures. Once the student has completed testing at SAS, the test is scanned to the SAS testing email and a copy is forwarded to the instructor. The scanned exam remains in the SAS testing email inbox until acknowledgment of delivery to the campus and department (designated by the instructor) is confirmed by SAS staff. In the event the instructor does not approve electronic transmission of the test, it will be delivered to the other campus depending on the availability of SAS staff traveling between campuses.Note: Physical exams will not be returned via campus mail as per department policy to ensure test integrity.
Reader/Scribe for Testing
If a student arrives more than 15 minutes after the scheduled test starts time, a reader/scribe may not be available. In such instances, SAS staff will notify the professor of your late arrival for the exam and discuss possible arrangements for the exam. The decision to reschedule a test is at the professor’s discretion.
Table: Reader/Scribe Definition Type Definition Reader A reader is assigned by SAS to read the questions for exams and quizzes to a student who is unable to read the material independently. Most students will be provided with an electronic version of the test. However, a reader can be provided by SAS in those circumstances where an electronic version is unavailable or would be ineffective. Scribe A scribe is provided by SAS for students in need of assistance with writing responses on exams and quizzes. Typically, the need for a scribe is due to a physical condition that limits the student’s ability to independently write or use a computer keyboard to record exam responses.
- The scribe will only write what the student dictates and is not responsible for general spelling, sentence-ending punctuation or correct calculations, or the review of such. The student should instruct the scribe regarding these mechanics.
- Scribes are not responsible for organizing or paraphrasing a student’s comments into a final format. If needed, a scribe will key in information to a calculator as the student verbally directs. A scribe will not make corrections to formulas or equations or otherwise indicate any noticeable errors to the student.
- Scribes cannot answer student questions regarding items on exams or quizzes. They can write down any student questions and inform the SAS Testing Specialist (or other SAS staff) who will then attempt to reach out to the instructor for clarification. If the professor is not available during the testing period, the student’s comments will be submitted on the test itself and referenced on the SAS test request form (which is provided to the professor following testing).
It is the student’s responsibility to notify SAS staff of any problems with testing accommodations at the time the problem occurs. For example, if the student has difficulty understanding or communicating with the reader/scribe, the student should notify SAS staff immediately.
A reader or scribe cannot be a tutor, volunteer note-taker, another student in the course, a relative, or another person who might potentially impact the test results. -
Academic or Scholastic Dishonesty
All students testing at SAS are monitored via video and audio. The SAS Testing Center follows all standards of conduct expected of students enrolled at the university, including scholastic dishonesty and the Vaquero Honor Code, which are specified by the Student Conduct Code. (
In the event SAS staff observe a student engaging in suspected academic dishonesty while testing at SAS, the test proctor will verbally inform the student and request for the student to provide the test to the proctor. SAS staff will note the time and suspected dishonesty on the test request form. In the event a student refuses to provide the test to the SAS staff member, this will be noted on the test request form. In addition, the incident will be reported to Student Rights and Responsibilities (SRR). Suspected dishonesty during testing at SAS will result in the videotape, screenshot, or other evidence being submitted to the instructor and SRR. The instructor will determine whether the student is/is not engaging in dishonest behavior during testing and will proceed accordingly.
Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give an unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts. Please refer to the Student Conduct Code for additional information.
Failure to comply with the Student Conduct Code may result in the student being referred to the Student Rights and Responsibilities office. -
School of Medicine (SOM) Testing
SOM students approved for accommodated testing through SAS are eligible to take tests at SAS by submitting test requests through mySAS according to SAS procedural guidelines. Any questions regarding accommodated testing may also be directed to Accommodation letters are provided by SAS to the SOM Assistant Dean for Assessment, Evaluation, and Quality Improvement, who oversees and coordinates SOM accommodated testing. Accommodation letters are also provided by SAS to the SOM Associate Dean for Student Affairs. SOM students should communicate in a timely manner with the SOM Assistant Dean for Assessment, Evaluation, and Quality Improvement regarding their testing accommodations. Any questions regarding accommodated testing may also be directed to