Pregnancy FAQ
If you are a pregnant student, you may be eligible for accommodations to maintain access to student programs, including, but not limited to, admissions, educational programs and activities, and extracurricular activities.
Who is my Parenting Liaison?
Dr. Shawn P. Saladin is your Parenting Liaison. For more information parenting students can contact the Student Parent Liaison via email at -
How Does Title IX apply to pregnant students?
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex – which includes pregnancy and related conditions e.g. childbirth, false pregnancy and termination of pregnancy. -
What pregnancy related accommodations am I eligible to receive?
Eligibility to receive accommodations is based on your request; medical documentation; and an interactive process with a Title IX staff member from Student Accessibility Services to determine reasonable accommodations depending upon individual circumstances and course, program or activity requirements.
Examples of accommodations include but are not limited to frequent breaks; accessible seating or furniture; excused absences, and additional time for completing course assignments. -
What type of parenting-related accommodations are available?
Postpartum related accommodations are those needed for the care of a child by the child’s parents in the period up to twelve weeks following birth depending upon what is deemed medically necessary by a medical provider. Postpartum related accommodations may include but are not limited to: access to Nursing Mother’s Suites; frequent breaks; alternative class activities; excused absences, and additional time for completing course assignments. -
Where do I go to request accommodations for my classes?
Request for accommodations may be submitted online. Information should include medical documentation regarding functional limitations that may impact academic participation and anticipated due date or period of expected leave. If you have questions, contact Student Accessibility Services:
(956) 882-7374 Brownsville
(956) 665-7005 Edinburg
Where do I go to request accommodations for my work?
If you work on campus and are pregnant you may be eligible to receive accommodations. For UTRGV workplace accommodation requests, contact the Office of Human Resources at 956-665-3813. -
After I submit my request for accommodations, what’s next?
A Title IX staff member from Student Accessibility Services or HR will contact you to schedule an appointment to begin an interactive process to determine reasonable accommodations. The staff member may request additional information from you and may contact the faculty or supervisor as appropriate to better understand the specific nature of the course/course requirement(s) or work. -
When do I request accommodations?
The sooner the better. Once you have a due date please submit a pregnancy request form to initiate the process and have a support plan in place prior to delivery. -
What do I do if I have experienced discrimination?
At UTRGV, students, faculty and staff have many reporting options: questions or more information contact:
Florence Nocar, Chief Equal Opportunity and Title IX Officer
Office: (956) 665-2452
Direct: (956) 665-2103