Departmental Review Committee (DRC)
The DRC is composed of SAS staff members and, when appropriate, staff and/or faculty from relevant departments may be invited to participate. Standing committee members include the SAS Director, Assistant Director, Access Coordinators, and the Associate Dean for Student Rights and Responsibilities. The purpose of the DRC is to review and make determinations regarding accommodation requests for students with disabilities, as well as those who are seeking pregnancy, pregnancy-related, and parenting accommodations. During the DRC meetings, the committee reviews documentation (diagnosis, functional limitations, and other relevant information) and accommodations recommended by the Access Coordinator (or other designated staff member who completed the intake or review with the student). The committee’s role is to become acquainted with each student’s documentation and intake or review summary in order to determine whether the recommended accommodations are reasonable and appropriate for the student. Committee members may make additional recommendations such as supplementary accommodations or may also request additional documentation. In the event an accommodation request is not approved by DRC, a student will receive an email from the Access Coordinator with an explanation of reason(s) for denial. In the event a student disagrees with the DRC decision, the student may submit a grievance in accordance with the SAS Grievance Procedure.
Welcome Meeting
Newly registered SAS students have the opportunity to participate in a Welcome Meeting after their accommodations have been approved through DRC. Although Welcome Meetings are optional, they are highly recommended. The meeting will be facilitated by an SAS team member, who will provide the student with detailed information about SAS. The Welcome Meeting is designed to familiarize the student with the department and its processes. The student will be introduced to SAS staff and guided through the SAS website, including departmental procedural guidelines. The meeting will also include the review of any forms related to the student's approved accommodations, which are noted on the student’s accommodation letter. At the end of the meeting, the student should be familiar with procedures related to their individualized accommodations. The student will be encouraged to register with SAS during each semester enrolled.
Accommodation Letters
Once the DRC approves a student's accommodation request, the accommodation(s) is entered by SAS staff in the student’s profile in mySAS and the student is notified via email. The student will be directed to log in to mySAS to select accommodations that are relevant for each of their courses.
IMPORTANT: If an instructor has not been assigned to the course in ASSIST at the time of accommodation approval, the student is responsible for communicating with the assigned instructor. The student should email the instructor, copy, and attach the accommodation letter.
School of Medicine (SOM) Students: SAS staff will email accommodation letters to the student and relevant SOM faculty and staff who have an educational need to know. IMPORTANT: It is the student’s responsibility to discuss his/her accommodations with each instructor and provide a copy of the accommodation letter to each instructor as soon as it is received from SAS. Accommodation letters for SOM students are active for one academic year (June to May).
Important: Accommodations are not retroactive. Accommodations are valid from the date the accommodation letter is sent by the SAS office.
In the event a student believes accommodations are not being implemented appropriately, the student should contact an SAS Access Coordinator as soon as possible to discuss such concerns.