UTRGV Technologies
Biology, Life Sciences and Medical

Triterpenoids are used for medicinal purposes in many Asian countries for anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, hepatoprotective, cardiotonic, sedative and tonic effects. This invention presents an improves method for terpenoid synthesis.
Learn more about Chemical Synthesis Methods And CDDO/CDDO-EA Preparations

The present technology consisting of a strategy that may be used for inhibiting weight gain/obesity, restore normal glucose transport in skeletal muscle, and reduce chronic inflammation of skeletal muscle tissue.
Learn more about Method for Inhibiting Weight Gain and Skeletal Muscle Inflammation

This technology is a method of determining optimal surfaces in 3-D, 4-D of higher dimensional graphs. Simultaneously detects multiple interacting surfaces in optimal fashion, surfaces that change topology, and incorporates a priori shape knowledge in optimal surface detection process.
Learn more about Systems and Methods for Image Segmentation in N-Dimensional Space

Low-cost method of phytoestrogen quantification due to its cost-efficient equipment (relative to other methods).

This technology is a new kind of nanofibrous surgical mesh suited for skin regeneration and mesh implantation. The material may be used as a scaffold in tissue engineering, wound dressing, hernia repair, pelvic organ prolapse support, cardiac patches, and as a coating for different implantable medical devices that need to be integrated within the body.
Learn more about Polyolefin Fibers for Skin Regeneration and Implant

This novel technology provides direct communication between prosthetic limbs and peripheral nerves by utilizing microchannel PDMS scaffolds for nerve regeneration and microtube electrode for individual neuron communication.
Learn more about Microchannel scaffolds and microtube electrodes for a neural interface system

These derivatives of compounds show excellent cytotoxicity against drug resistant pancreatic cancer cell lines (PANC 1 cells): Best IC50 values in 2D culture and 3D tumorsphere assays are 2.55 nM and 2.33 nM.

This invention is a series of new biocompatible polymer adhesive blends achieved through simple mechanical mixing. The material shows adhesion while submerged in oil or water and can keep water from absorbing into the paper. It is a new pathway for creating adhesives from short-range molecular interactions.

FOXO1 inhibition is proposed as a targeted therapy to treat aggressive cancers like BBC and GBM. The therapy is effective by reducing cell number, induction of apoptotic genes, and induction of apoptosis.

This technology is a method for developing a nanodisc-based, drug nanoformulation to be used as a targeted therapy, specifically for organs (e.g., brain, lymphoid tissue, kidney).
Learn more about Nanodisc Based Targeted Anti-HIV Drug Delivery
Electrical, Electronics and Physical Science

This invention is a robust sensor with an easy installation procedure, used in injection molds for measuring pressure and/or temperature which enables injection molding as part of industry 4.0. Additionally, this sensor can enable IoT and provides total mold management data that can convert traditional mold to smart mold.

This invention is a simply structured multidirectional wave energy converter that transfers wave energy into electricity with no need for further reconfigurations to fit wave frequencies and directions.

People's handwriting may change due to unintentional hand muscle movements caused by aging, or even with other age-groups due to certain neurological disorders. The Tremor Cancellation Pen (TCP) consists of a base and a supporting stabilizing holder that cancel unintentional hand movement.

Metamaterial absorbers have the potential to realize efficient optical absorption when compared to conventional absorbers which are limited to the low absorption performance. This metamaterial potential is due to its electromagnetic properties.
Learn more about Optical Multilayer Refractive Index Near Zero Metamaterials

The Triboelectric Stepping and Tapping Energy Case (TESTEC) is a sustainable, simple and smart, triboelectricity based, self-charging technology that acts as a power source for smart electronic devices. It harvests mechanical energy from finger tapping (e.g., screen typing) and stepping motions (e.g., legs’ movement), transforming it into electrical energy.

This invention is a desalination system which is well-engineered and environmentally friendly , situated in open ocean and powered by nature with zero consumption of electricity.
Learn more about An Ocean-Based and Nature-Powered Desalination System

Expanded polystyrene (also known as Styrofoam) is used for its low manufacturing costs and its versatile physical properties (25 billion Styrofoam coffee cups are being thrown away every year). Polystyrene occupies 20% of waste in the U.S landfills. It is not biodegradable and there are no practical methods for recycling it.
Learn more about Recycling Container for Expanded Polystyrene
Nano-technology and Material Sciences

This invention introduces a method to create 100% pure PTFE nanofibers. Having 100% PTFE fibers provides several advantages such as smaller diameters, porosity control, higher contact angles, ease of manufacturing, and lower cost.
Learn more about Methods for Production of Fluoropolymer Fibers

This novel technology utilized the reaction energy released from the reaction between elemental titanium and boron powder to reduce the process energy and time consumption of laser based 3D metal printing.
Learn more about A Process Model for Selective Laser Alloying

Microporous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have been rapidly emerging as promising porous materials for gas storage, separation, sensing and heterogeneous catalysis. This invention introduces methods for acetylene/gas storage using metal-organic frameworks.
Learn more about Methods for Acetylene/Gas Storage using Metal-Organic Framework

The present invention introduces a novel metal-organic framework (MOF) and a novel mixed metal-organic framework (M'MOF) for selective gas storage, selective gas sorption and/or separation, selective sensing of chemicals, and catalysis.

This invention is a fibrous structure for Lithium battery cathode which prevents premature degradation of the cathode, battery capacity loss, and has no reactions with the cathode. It is easy to manufacture and relatively prolongs the lifetime of the Lithium battery.

The process method employed in this technology is a viable means for large scale production, as well as low cost, of metal sulfide/oxide-based composite fibers for metal-ion battery electrodes.

This process allows for the production of carbon fibers, yarns, and nonwoven carbon fiber cloths (including forming suitable polymeric precursor microfibers.

The invention relates to development and production of graphene, hybrid carbon structures, functionalized carbon structures, carbon fiber composites reinforced with micron, submicron, and nanometer size structures, carbon nanorods, and carbon hollow cubes.
Learn more about Method of Preparing Doped and/or Composite Carbon Fibers

This invention is the method of producing brightly luminescent glowing PVDF nanofibers. These fibers are durable, possess high mechanical strength and flexibility with thermophysical stability up to 400 C.
Learn more about Development of Flexible Mechanoluminescent Polymer Doped Nanofibers

The present technology is a method for facile, scalable synthesis of nanocrystalline structure materials in situ. Nanofibers are produced with a heterogeneous surface on which the decorating surface structures are produced simultaneous with the nanofiber formation.

Functional cotton fibers have a wide range of applications in domestic, commercial, and military settings, and so enhancing the properties of these materials can yield substantial benefits. This invention consists of the creation of functional fibers that are self-cleaning, anti-microbial, and protective against UV radiation.
Learn more about Functional Materials in Photonics and Energy

The present invention consists of a micro and nanofibers producing system in a handheld/portable form. It uses a speed-controlled and microcontrolled spinneret design that reduces chamber size while avoiding entanglement and enhancing uniformity of deposited fibers.
Learn more about Handheld/Portable Apparatus for the Production of Fine Fiber

The present technology is a highly sensitive, triboelectric based, self-powered health monitoring device. It accurately detects small changes on diverse body motions and vocal cord vibrations (sound system quantification).

The present system is ideal for producing fine fibers which can form nanofibrous scaffolds that mimic the extracellular matrix. Such systems can enhance cellular growth and promote tissue regeneration.

This invention is a novel 3D nanofiber based heterogeneous structure that focuses particularly on the use of plant-based/highly-effective active ingredients (organic ingredients) with complementary biological properties.
Learn more about Therapeutic 3D Nanofiber membrane prepared by Forcespinning