Method for Inhibiting Weight Gain and Skeletal Muscle Inflammation
The present technology consisting of a strategy that may be used for inhibiting weight gain/obesity, restore normal glucose transport in skeletal muscle, and reduce chronic inflammation of skeletal muscle tissue.
Insulin resistance of the skeletal muscle i.e., loss of response to insulin by tissues and cell is considered a primary defect leading to the development of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). Therefore, there is a need to develop strategies for reducing inflammation in skeletal muscle and prevent T2D.
This technology presents a synthetic compound with anti-inflammatory properties that prevents nuclear factor-kappa B (NFκB) activity in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-mediated inflammatory responses in muscle cells. This compound may also be used for preventing excessive weight gain/obesity, regulating body weight, and reducing chronic inflammation of skeletal muscle.
Value Proposition
This invention presents cost effective and efficient methods for weight management, preventing obesity, maintaining insulin levels, and controlling chronic muscle inflammation.
Competitive Advantages
- Economically effective
- Compound derived from natural source
- Reduced side effects
Status of Development
Seeking commercial partners
IP Status
- Patent application filed
- Licensing available