An Ocean-Based and Nature-Powered Desalination System
This invention is a desalination system which is well-engineered and environmentally friendly, situated in open ocean and powered by nature with zero consumption of electricity.
The major nitpicks in existing industrial desalination technologies are brine production, high operational and the adverse environmental impact. As a matter of fact, about half of the cost attributed to electricity charges, and the adverse environmental impact they pose.
This technology is a new humidification-dehumidification (HDH) desalination system. It uses multiple renewable energy sources to directly power the process, eliminating brine production and electricity use. The direct application of multiple renewable energy sources in a combined fashion offers an effective means to lower the cost, minimize the negative environmental impact, and increase the freshwater production rate.
Value Proposition
- The process promises high throughput of freshwater as well as low capital and O&M costs.
- For very 1000 liters of freshwater produced, 3-10 kWh of electrical energy can be saved.
Competitive Advantages
- Self-energy sufficient (zero-electricity usage).
- Suited for harsh ocean environments.
- Easy re-deployment with minimal decommission-recommission effort.
- Relatively low system building cost and fit for disaster recovery missions.
Status of Development
- Technology Readiness Level (TRL): 4
- Seeking implementation and research advancement partners