Tremor Cancellation Pen Holder
People's handwriting may change due to unintentional hand muscle movements caused by aging, or even with other age-groups due to certain neurological disorders. The Tremor Cancellation Pen (TCP) consists of a base and a supporting stabilizing holder that cancel unintentional hand movement.
Other technologies usually make use of vibration for tremor relaxation. This is usually adjustable but not tunable by the patient. People that suffer from PD or ET have distinctive frequency and amplitude ranges, but the motion is chaotic (mathematically nonlinear). As a result the needs vary from user to user, and current tools have limited results.
This invention provides an active, self-tuning system that conforms to each individual's needs, providing better control.
Competitive Advantages
- One device fits all pens (adjustable)
- Collapsible, foldable, easy-to-carry
- Magnifying glass
- Equipped with Charger, ERM Motor and Sensor
Status of Development
Prototyping stageIP Status
- US Patent #847259
- Licensing Available