Annual Leave

Vacation leave is available to UTRGV employees who are scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week for at least 4.5 continuous months in a position that does not require student status as a condition of employment.


Accruing Vacation Leave

Vacation accrues on your first day of employment. Going forward, it accrues on the first day of each month. The number of hours you earn is based on how much state service you have on the first day of the month. Part-time staff accrues at a rate proportionate to the number of hours they are scheduled to work each week.

Any vacation time not taken on or before August 31 will carry over to the next fiscal year. However, there is a limit to the number of hours that can be carried from year to year. Hours above this limit will transfer to your sick leave balance. If you work less than 40 hours a week, your transfer limit is proportionate to the hours you are scheduled to work each week. To determine the allowable carryover, use your service months as of September 1.

Service Months Monthly Accrual Allowable Carryover
0 to 23 8 180
24 to 59 9 244
60 to 119 10 268
120 to 179 11 292
180 to 239 13 340
240 to 299 15 388
300 to 359 17 436
360 to 419 19 484
420+ 21 532

Using Vacation Leave

You may begin using vacation leave once you have six months of continuous service from any Texas state agency. You only need to meet this requirement once during your state service. This means if you satisfy the six-month eligibility requirement, leave state employment, and are later rehired, you won't have to wait six months again to begin using your leave. You must seek preapproval from your manager before taking vacation leave.

Vacation Transfer or Payout When Leaving UTRGV

If you have six months of continuous state service from any Texas state agency at the time of separation, you will have the option to receive a payout for your vacation balance or transfer your balance to your new employer (if transferring to another Texas state agency or institution of higher education). Whether you choose a payout or transfer, your decision will apply to the entire balance; you may not elect a partial payout or partial transfer.

If you choose a payout, payment will be distributed in the same way as your previous paychecks. The payment date will depend on your separation date and the completion of all absences and timesheets.

If you choose to transfer your balance, contact to request a verification of your state service and leave balances. You must provide the name of the new agency, and your start date, and fax or email it to the receiving party in the human resource office at the new agency. Your new employer will require this verification from us in order to accept the balance transfer.

Whether a payout or balance transfer, the following actions must be completed before payment is issued or balances are transferred:

  • Timesheets must be submitted and approved through the final date of employment.
  • Time must be entered in PeopleSoft.
  • Your department must confirm your final leave balances to OHR.


Vacation Accruals for Return-to-Work Retirees

Accrual rates for return-to-work retirees are determined by the employee’s retirement date and return to work date. Please refer to the chart below. Return-to-work retirees are not required to reestablish six months of continuous service in order to take vacation leave. Part-time staff accrues at a rate proportionate to the number of hours appointed to work.

Retirement Date Return to Work Date Vacation Accruals Based On
On or after June 1, 2005 Any date Post-retirement service months.
Before June 1, 2005 Before September 1, 2005 Total service months (pre & post-retirement).
Before June 1, 2005 On or after September 1, 2005 Post-retirement service months.

Need help?

Contact the Office of Human Resources


Phone: (E) 956-665-2451

Phone: (B) 956-882-8205
