Course Numbers and Class Sections
Course Numbers
Courses are numbered to show both the collegiate level at which they are offered and the hour value of the course. The first digit shows the level, and the second digit shows the credit hours. The last two digits are departmental designations. For example, Spanish 1301 indicates that the course is taught at the freshman level and carries three hours of credit per semester. All lower-division undergraduate courses ending in the numbers 87 and 88 are honors courses.
0001-0999 numbered courses | Developmental level |
1000 numbered courses | Freshman level |
2000 numbered courses | Sophomore level |
3000 numbered courses | Junior level |
4000 numbered courses | Senior-level |
5000-7000 numbered courses | Masters level courses |
8000-9000 numbered courses | Doctoral & Professional level courses |
Class Section Designations and Descriptions
Letter-codes added to section numbers are assigned by departments to identify registration for special groups. Some classes with a section designation will require a special approval override - please contact the department of the course for assistance. Classes may be searched by ‘Special Group’ in the class schedule’s Advanced Search option in ASSIST. The section codes and descriptions are listed below.
Section Code | Description |
90L | Online Courses start with 90L numbering |
A | Dual Pilot Program |
B | BMED Course |
C | BECHS Dual Enrollment |
D | HECHS Dual Enrollment |
E | Courses taught in Spanish only |
ET | Extended Term for 10/14 week Summer Sessions |
H | Honors Course |
I | Interactive Video (ITV) |
J | Jump Start |
M | Math Science Academy |
MT | Miniterm |
P | Peer-Led Team Learning, Stem Program (MATH/CHEM) |
PN | Social Work Placeholder |
Q | Vaquero Innovators Program |
R | Identifies section is Hybrid/Reduced Seat |
S | Service Learning |
SA | Study Abroad |
V | Accelerated Online Program in Module Terms |
X | Courses taught bilingually (English and Spanish) |