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Recording/Uploading and Submitting Your Panopto Video Assignment in your Blackboard Course

Recording your video in Panopto

  1. Access your course in Blackboard.
  2. Click on Panopto Media from the course menu.
  3. Click on the Create button.
    Create button
  4. Select Panopto for Windows. Make sure you have installed the Panopto recording application.
    Record from Windows application
  5. Click on Open Panopto.
    Open with Panopto application
  6. Under Folder, make sure you select the courses assignment folder; otherwise, click on the drop-down and search for the correct folder. You may type the name of the course and choose from the options listed. See illustration below.
  7. Make sure you select your video and audio sources correctly and select the screens that you would like to capture. See illustration below.
  8. Click on the Record button to start recording. You may pause at any time and resume recording.
    Record button
  9. Stop the recording once you are done by clicking on the Stop button.
    Stop recording
  10. You will now see the Recording Complete window, click on Done to upload the recording.Upload completed
  11. Wait for the recording to be uploaded to Panopto.
  12. Locate the Panopto Video Assignment link and submit your video. Please review the steps below under "Submitting your video assignment in your Blackboard course".

Uploading your video to Panopto

If you recorded your video using a different application or device, you might upload the video or audio file into Panopto following these steps:

  1. Click on Panopto Media from the course menu.
  2. Click on the Create button.
    Create button
  3. Select Upload Media.
    Upload video
  4. From the Add files to drop-down box, make sure you select the course assignments folder.
    Upload video
  5. Drag and drop your video or audio file into the dotted box.
  6. Once the video finish processing, close the upload window.
  7. Locate your Panopto Video Assignment link and submit your video. Please refer to the steps provided below.

Submitting your video assignment in your Blackboard course

  1. Access your course in Blackboard.
  2. Click on the Panopto Video Assignment link.
  3. Scroll down and click on the Write Submission button. See illustration below.
  4. In the text editor, click on the three dots to expand the entire toolbar.
    Click on the 3 dots to see additional tools
  5. Select the icon, which looks like a circle with a plus symbol, to open the Add Content window.
    Plus sign
  6. Then select Panopto Student Video Submission.
    Panopto Student Video Submission Option
  7. A new window will open to show the videos in the course assignments folder. If your video is located in a different folder, select the correct folder from the drop-down at the top.
  8. Select the video you wish to submit and click on Submit Video.
    Selecting video to submit
  9. A link to your video will be added to the submission content editor. Add any extra information you would like to provide to the instructor and click Submit.
    Submit video assignment

Note: You should receive an email confirmation for the assignment submission. Please consult with your instructor if they can view your video. If the video submitted was stored in a personal folder or different location, you might need to grant specific permissions so that your instructor can watch and grade your assignment.