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Submitting your Panopto Video so it's shared with the class


This article shows you how to upload your Panopto video so that it's visible by your classmates. 


If your instructor has requested your video to be shared with the class either in a Discussion Board or via the Panopto Media link, you must upload your video to the Panopto "[assignments]" folder.

  1. Navigate to the Panopto Media link in your course.
  2. Click on the "[assignments]" folder. This is usually the first folder available and titled with your course name then the word [assignments].
  3. If you've already uploaded your video to your Personal Folder, please copy the video into the assignments folder.
  4. If you haven't yet uploaded your video, please upload or record it to the assignments folder. 
  5. Submit your assignment as requested by your instructor. This may be an assignment submission area or embedding it in a section of the course such as a Discussion Board.