CEP Research Hub
Available Workplace
The CEP Research Hub is available to College of Education and P-16 Integration faculty and graduate student to work or schedule meetings. The Brownsville campus location is BMAIN 1.210G, while the Edinburg campus location is in EEDUC 1.504. Each space is equipped with:
- Area One-Zoom Video Conference Setup 65" TV
- Logitech Meets Webcam/Microphone
- Computer
- HDMI input for laptop connection
- Laptops: 5 Dell Precision 36560 w/NVivo and SPSS
- Lending Library
To reserve a space, please email the Dean's office (cep@utrgv.edu) or call the location you want to request.
- Brownsville: (956) 882-5708
- Edinburg: (956) 665-3627