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Immigration Services

Alberto Castillo
Immigration Services Manager

To make an appointment, please email us and send us an outlook invite, or call us.

Phone: 956-665-3021


Policies & More

The general provisions of laws enacted by Congress are interpreted and implemented by regulations issued by various agencies. These regulations apply the law to daily situations. After regulations are published in the Federal Register, they are collected and published in the Code of Federal Regulations, commonly referred to as the CFR. The CFR is arranged by subject title and generally parallels the structure of the United States Code. Thus, Title 8 of the CFR deals with "Aliens and Nationality", as does Title 8 of the U.S. Code.

Title 8, Code of Federal Regulations

The Immigration and Nationality Act, or INA, was created in 1952. Before the INA, a variety of statutes governed immigration law but were not organized in one location. The McCarran-Walter bill of 1952, Public Law No. 82-414, collected and codified many existing provisions and reorganized the structure of immigration law. The Act has been amended many times over the years but is still the basic body of immigration law.

The INA is divided into titles, chapters, and sections. Although it stands alone as a body of law, the Act is also contained in the United States Code (U.S.C.). The code is a collection of all the laws of the United States. It is arranged in fifty subject titles by general alphabetic order. Title 8 of the U.S. Code is but one of the fifty titles and deals with "Aliens and Nationality". When browsing the INA or other statutes you will often see references to the U.S. Code citation. For example, Section 208 of the INA deals with asylum and is also contained in 8 U.S.C. 1158. Although it is correct to refer to a specific section by either its INA citation or its U.S. code, the INA citation is more commonly used.

Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

The general provisions of laws enacted by Congress are interpreted and implemented by regulations issued by various agencies. These regulations apply the law to daily situations. After regulations are published in the Federal Register, they are collected and published in the Code of Federal Regulations, commonly referred to as the CFR. The CFR is arranged by subject title and generally parallels the structure of the United States Code. Thus, Title 20 Part 655 of the CFR deals with "Temporary Employment of Foreign Workers in the United States", as does Title 20 Part 655 of the U.S. Code.

Title Code of Federal Regulations (DOL - Foreign Nationals)

The general provisions of laws enacted by Congress are interpreted and implemented by regulations issued by various agencies. These regulations apply the law to daily situations. After regulations are published in the Federal Register, they are collected and published in the Code of Federal Regulations, commonly referred to as the CFR. The CFR is arranged by subject title and generally parallels the structure of the United States Code. Thus, Title 22 Part 121 of the CFR deals with "The United States Munition List", as does Title 22 Part 121 of the U.S. Code.

Title 22 Code of Regulations (Foreign Relations - Munitions List)

The purpose of this policy is to provide The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) procedures that are consistent with federal law, for hiring foreign nationals.

UTRGV Handbook of Operating Procedures - Hiring Foreign Nationals (ADM 04-205)