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Bravo Vaqueros
Phone: (E) 956-665-2451
Phone: (B) 956-882-8205
Bravo Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Bravo for?
Bravo Vaqueros provides an opportunity for UTRGV employees to acknowledge their colleagues who demonstrate VAQUEROS Culture of Service Excellence qualities and values. When submitting a Bravo reference one (1) of the eight (8) principles of the UTRGV Culture of Service Excellence represent the standards when it comes to customer service and expectation of operational excellence.
Can I submit a Bravo to anyone?
Any UTRGV employee may award a Bravo to any other UTRGV employee.
How do I know the Bravo was accepted?
Upon the online submission, the sender will receive a receipt notice. Once the Bravo is approved for posting both the sender and recipient will receive an email notification.
Is there a limit to how many Bravos I can submit?
We encourage UTRGV employees to actively take time to acknowledge meaningful service qualities and values. There is no limit to Bravos that you can submit.
Will the person getting the Bravo see who submitted it?
Yes once reviewed and approved, Bravos will be posted on the online Bravo Board.
What does it mean if I submit a Bravo and it gets returned?
This would only occur if there is a technical or submission concern. A notification email will provide details of the return. Once resolved, you may re-submit.
Where can I see Bravos I received?
Bravos will be posted on the online Bravo Board. Employees may see their Bravo metrics in their individual profiles once logged in. You will also receive an automated notification email informing you of any new Bravos sent to you.
Will my supervisor get notified that I received a Bravo?
Yes, upon approval of the Bravo, you will receive an email notifying you of the Bravo received. Your supervisor/s will automatically be copied on the notification email.