Overview and Charge
The Pre-clerkship Subcommittee assists the CCAC in meeting its responsibility for reviewing and verifying each module/course prior to implementation, ensuring compliance with SOM policies, and assuring the quality of students’ learning experience in the first two years of the curriculum. The charge of the subcommittee are as follows:
- Previewing the components of the syllabus for each module also the course plan which includes module objectives, schedules and resources.
- Monitoring adherence to the academic workload policy, self-directed learning, review of pedagogical methods, and integration of basic and clinical science.
- Monitoring the appropriate mapping of module and course objectives to the Educational Program Objectives established by the CCAC as the overall aims of the curriculum.
- In collaboration with the Interprofessional Education and Service Learning Subcommittee, monitoring interprofessional education and service-learning activities in the pre-clerkship curriculum, in alignment with LCME definitions.
- In collaboration with the Evaluation Subcommittee, monitoring the effectiveness of the delivery of the curricular content of the modules and courses through course evaluation reports.
- Making recommendations to CCAC regarding changes needed to assure the quality of the students’ educational experience.
For each module to be taught in the first two years of the curriculum, Module Leads must submit to the Pre-clerkship Subcommittee for review their module plan which includes: Module description, Faculty teaching within the module, Number and types of scheduled student contact hours for average week of module, Module learning objectives mapped back to the UTRGV SOM competencies and EPOs, Changes to curriculum map, Module instructional methods, Module assessment methods and grading rubric, Plan for how and when students will receive narrative feedback, Plan for Inclusion of self-directed learning, Plan for addressing longitudinal themes within the module, Plan for integration with other modules (e.g. LOM, Clinical Skills, etc.), Special features of the Module and Module syllabus.
The Pre-clerkship Subcommittee will evaluate that the modules are compliant with SOM policies as per syllabi and make suggestions and/or recommendations to Module Leads regarding changes to the module implementation plan as needed. Following the end of a module, the Pre-clerkship Subcommittee reviews the course evaluation report from the Evaluation and Assessment Subcommittee regarding the course to include overall student performance, feedback regarding course organization, teaching methods, and resources, course content and integration, and an action plan for the next academic year. The Pre-clerkship Subcommittee will address any issues or concerns resulting from the Evaluation Subcommittee report with the Module Leads and report results to the CCAC.
Concerns or recommendations: Recommendations to Module Leads for changes to the curriculum will be submitted to the Assistant Dean of Educational Affairs, Pre-clerkship and then to the CCAC for review and approval.
Membership of the Pre-clerkship Curricular Subcommittee
- Alex Zuo
- Amin Ibrahim, MS1
- Bharathi Gadad
- Brianna Guillen, MS3
- Camreon Caldwell, MS4
- Chantal Uzoma, MS2
- Jeevan Divakaran
- Juan Lopez Alvarenga
- Kelsey Baker
- Manish Tripathi (Vice Chair)
- Maria Munoz
- Maurice Clifton (Ex-Officio)
- Mercy Azeke (Ex-Officio)
- Mohammed Razzaque
- Monica Alaniz-McGinnis (Ex-Officio)
- Muriel Warren (Ex-Officio)
- Nikilesh Anand
- Pratip Mitra
- Ricardo Belmares
- Sambandam Elango (Ex-Officio)
- Seratna Guadarrama
- Seval Coban
- Shizue Mito
- Subhash Chauhan
- Thambi Conjee
- Wayne Wilson (Chair)
- Xiaoqian Fang
- Yolanda Garcia-Ocasio (Ex-Officio)
Alternative Representatives
- Cristian Saenz, MS4
- Dominic Chau-Zanetti, MS3
- Jared Hensley, MS2