Interprofessional Education and Service-Learning Subcommittee
Overview and Charge
The lnterprofessional Education and Service-Learning Subcommittee's charge is to complete the following to address a number of the related LCME accreditation standards:
- Develop and integrate IPE learning activities through collaborative work with other CCAC subcommittees and health professions to facilitate the inclusion of objectives in pre-clerkship modules and clerkships and clinical courses.
- Develop and integrate service-learning activities through collaborative work with CCAC subcommittees to encourage and promote service to the Rio Grande Valley community and beyond in pre-clerkship modules and clerkships and clinical courses.
- Design interprofessional learning activities in accordance with SOM Educational program objectives (EPOs) where by learners evolve as effective members of interprofessional health care teams.
- Provide rubrics and template guidance for service-learning activities, in accordance with SOM EPOs, where learners can synthesize the role and impact of service activities in the community at-large.
- Provide leadership in curricular development, monitoring, and evaluation of IPE and service-learning activities for consistency in meeting EPOs.
- Track IPE and service-learning activities throughout the 4-year curriculum for monitoring and revising of content based on feedback through evaluations
Membership of the IPE and SL Subcommittee
- Beatriz Bautista
- Diana Paz
- Enedina Enriquez
- Erik Hinojosa
- Erin Teskey
- Javier La Fontaine
- John Gaddis
- Juan Lopez Alvarenga
- Leonel Vela
- Maci Oestreich
- Melony Chavez
- Mushfiq Shaikh
- Sambandam Elango
- Sarah Weisbrodt
- Wayne Wilson