Overview and Charge
The Evaluation Subcommittee’s charge is to:
- Review and analyze information regarding the content, methodology, evaluation, direct and related outcome measures, and contribution to educational program objectives.
- Coordinate a review of evaluation materials from interprofessional education and service-activities, in collaboration with the interprofessional education and service learning subcommittee
- Review evaluation materials for every required module/course/clerkship annually.
- Coordinate a formal review of every module/clerkship/course following its completion.
- Assess appropriate content and planned redundancy in the curriculum, following the plan of the CCAC.
- Report on student outcomes on NBME shelf examinations and performance on the institutionally developed pre-clerkship module examinations.
The Curriculum Evaluation Subcommittee will also evaluate the effectiveness and quality of assessment methods utilized by modules/courses and clerkships.
Membership of Evaluation and Assessment Subcommittee
Membership is made up of floating members of the Faculty Assembly. Membership ensures that:
- For each Preclerkship module: 2 preclinical and 1 clinical faculty complete formal review of course following completion with module leads and AD pre-clerkship
- For each clerkship: 1 preclinical and 2 clinical faculty complete formal review of clerkship following completion with course directors and AD clerkships
Membership Listing
- Bharathi Gadad (Co-Chair)
- Cristel Escalona
- Jeevan Divakaran
- Jose Cano
- Juan Lopez Alvarenga
- Monica Alaniz McGinnis (Standing Member)
- Nikhilesh Anand
- Pratip Mitra
- Ricardo Belmares (Chair)
- Seratna Guadarrama
- Seval Coban
- Thambi Conjee
- Wayne Wilson