UTRGV Civil Engineering student Sandra Gonzalez completed her second UTCRS REU experience at Texas A&M University. During her 2015 UTCRS REU experience, Ms. Gonzalez’ had the opportunity to explore her interests in materials testing and performance testing of construction members under various loading conditions. She continued the work she started in 2015 evaluating eyebar member specimens obtained from the Burlington Rail Bridge old structure. Using nondestructive techniques, she identified and documented surface and inner defects on eyebar members and pins. Ms. Gonzalez then aided in the preparation of the specimens for fatigue testing, which will take place during the fall of 2016. Her work contributes to the understanding of the effects of cracks and defects on the fatigue behavior of common members used in construction. Through her UTCRS REU experiences, Ms. Gonzalez has had the unique opportunity of thoroughly testing materials that have been in service for decades and evaluating their modes of failure.