Certification Exam
The TCEQ Occupational Licensing section is dedicated to the protection of the environment and human health through the responsible licensing of individuals whose occupations may have an environmental impact. The section’s duties include issuing new licenses, renewing licenses, training approval and exam development.
Pre-approval of your licensing application is required. All licensing applicants must be pre-approved by the TCEQ before applicants are eligible to take a CBT. Please visit https://www.tceq.texas.gov/licensing for more information.
Exam Fee: $35.00
IDENTIFICATION: Bring a valid (non-expired) PHOTO ID, preferably a driver’s license,
Examinees will not be admitted without a proper PHOTO ID—expired ID’s are not accepted.
The following examinations are currently available through the computer-based testing system.
- Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester
- Customer Service Inspector
- Groundwater Operator (Class B and C)
- Landscape Irrigation Inspector
- Landscape Irrigation Technician
- Landscape Irrigator (6 hours)
- Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST)
- Municipal Solid Waste (Class A (4 hours) and B (2 hours))
- On-site Sewage Facilities (OSSF) Installer I and II
- OSSF Designated Representative
- OSSF Maintenance Provider
- Surface Water Operator (Class B and C)
- Underground Storage Tank (UST) On-site Supervisor Classes A and B (those seeaking the A/B combo must pass both A & B exam)
- Wastewater Collections System Operator (Class I, II, and III)
- Wastewater Treatment Facility Operator (Class A (6 hours), B, C, and D)
- Water Distribution (Class B and C)
- Water Operator (Class A (6 hours))
- Water (Class D)
- Water Treatment Specialist (Class I, II and III)
All exams have a 3-hour time limit unless otherwise noted. Not all CBT centers can accommodate more than 4-hour exams. Please confirm with the CBT center before scheduling. Computer-Based Testing for Occupational Licenses - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - www.tceq.texas.gov
The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement or TCOLE, serves as the regulatory agency for all peace officers in Texas, which includes sheriffs and their deputies, constables and their deputies, police officers, marshals, troopers, Texas Rangers, enforcement agents of the Alcoholic Beverage Commission, investigators of the Attorney General, and game wardens. County jailers and public security officers are also regulated by TCOLE.
BEFORE EXAM DATE: “VERY IMPORTANT” Make sure you are cleared with TCLEEDS before your exam date, any holds by TCLEEDS will not allow us to administer your exam. Also, make sure to complete the pre-activity through TCLEEDS before your exam date. If there are any holds or the pre-activity is not completed, we will not be able to test you, therefore resulting in losing your exam fee.
Exam Fee: $40.00
IDENTIFICATION: Bring a valid (non-expired) PHOTO ID, preferably a driver’s license and PID #
The following examinations are currently available at UTRGV Brownsville and Edinburg Testing Center.
- Peace Officer
- Basic Jailer
- Hypnosis
- Police Officer to Jailer
- Telecommunicators
The Texas Commission on Fire Protection is to aid in the protection of the lives and property of Texas citizens through the development and enforcement of recognized professional standards for individuals and the fire service.
To qualify for the commission’s state certification examination, the student must complete a commission-approved training program and pass all commission-designated skill evaluations when applicable.
Online Testing Eligibility is required.
To sign up for online eligibility go to:
Exam Fee: $30.00
Identification: Bring a valid (non-expired) PHOTO ID, preferably a driver’s license.
Examinees will not be admitted without proper PHOTO ID-expired IDs are not acceptable.
The following examinations are currently available through the computer-based testing system.
State Certification Online Exams available for TCFP
- Aircraft Rescue Firefighter
- Basic Wildland Firefighter
- Code Enforcement Inspector
- Driver Operator-Aerial
- Driver Operator-Pumper
- Firefighter 1 and 2
- Fire and Life Safety Educator 1
- Fire and Life Safety Educator 2
- Fire Marshal
- Hazardous Materials Awareness
- Hazardous Materials Incident Commander
- Hazardous Materials Operations
- Hazardous Materials Technician
- Incident Commander
- Incident Safety Officer
- Inspector I-II
- Instructor I-III
- Intermediate Wildland Firefighter
- Investigator
- Marine Fire Fighter
- Officer I-IV
- Plan Examiner I
- Rope Rescue Awareness, Operations, Technician
- Rope Rescue Awareness/Operations
- Rope Rescue Technician
- Structure Firefighter (please see scheduling details below)
All exams have a Safe Exam Browser (SEB) A-lockdown browser used by TCFP. Online Exam Eligibility Form will be required on the day of the exam.
Structure Firefighter Exam: If you would like to schedule your Structure Fire Fighting Exam, please contact our office. Contact us: Brownsville or Edinburg. You can complete your payment only if a Testing Services staff member has confirmed your exam date. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.