ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey Introduction

The ACRL Trends & Statistics Survey includes three parts. First, the survey asks every question about academic libraries required by the federal government through the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS:, with instructions and definitions completely aligned. While this means there are many areas of data duplication between the ACRL and IPEDS surveys, both reports are included separately here. Secondly, ACRL asks some questions exclusive to each annual survey, including several test questions for future IPEDS surveys. Finally, the ACRL survey includes a section on library trends, with a different topic chosen each year.

The UTRGV University Library has been reporting to ACRL every year since the 2017-2018 survey.

Reporting Period: September 1 - August 31 (of prior year), aligning with UTRGV's fiscal year. 

Example: "Report all data for fiscal year (FY) 2018. Fiscal year 2018 is defined as the most recent 12-month period that ends before October 1, 2018, that corresponds to the institution’s fiscal year."

Survey Data Collection Period: September - February 28

Due: February 28th

Historical Data and Reports

Report Submitted 2020 2021 2022
Data Period 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
Librarians 18 19 19.0 FTE
Other Professional Staff 0 0 0
All Other Paid Staff 44 41 38.0 FTE
Student Assistants 81 87 21.55 FTE
Salaries & Wages: Librarians 1,071,738 1,033,441 1,157,819
Salaries & Wages: Other Professional Staff NA NA NA
Salaries & Wages: All Other Paid Staff 1,290,694 1,230,670 1,162,802
Salaries & Wages: Student Assistants 285,837 294,819 204,577
Number of Hours to Work Per Week to be Considered Full Time 40 40 40
Staff Fringe Benefits NA NA NA
One-Time Purchases 232,758 149,171 197,805
One-Time Purchases: E-books 93,588 58,734 114,960
Ongoing Commitments to Subscriptions 3,338,435 4,185,782 4,715,906
Ongoing Commitments to Subscriptions: E-books 32,255 33,718 42,490
Ongoing Commitments to Subscriptions: E-Journals 1,308,918 1,348,181 1,454,885
All Other Materials/Services Cost 41,008 221,587 100,767
Preservation Services 11,930 4,162 58,691
All Other Operations and Maintenance Expenses 1,107,755 741,111 941,422
Books (title count): Physical 511,935 509,882 496,571

Books (volume count): Physical

579,640 579,323 558,671
Books (title count): Electronic 546,403 570,209 715,383
Databases 366 930 850
Media: Physical 24,925 19,974 19,985
Media: Electronic 103,113 178,488 99,551
Serials: Physical 14,738 9,326 9,132
Serials: Electronic 144,604 112,616 136,564
External Contributions from Consortia/Networks NA NA NA
Items contributed to the IR via uploads 778 5,596 9,351
Item usage from the IR 144,138 68,328 174,981
Circulation: Physical 21,370 20,996 3,870
Circulation: Electronic 21,005 563,174 945,472
E-book Usage COUNTER BR1 NA 4,397 NA
E-serials Usage NA 554,380 876,517
Information Services to Individuals: Transactions 4,031 1,665 811
Information Services to Individuals: Consultations 116 571 334
Information Services to Individuals: Virtual Reference Services 1,502 522 808
Number of Branches 2 2 2
Information Services to Groups: Number of Presentations 240 269 237
Information Services to Groups: Total Attendance at All Presentations NA 5,394 5,936
Number of Hours Open During a Typical Week in an Academic Session 97.5 97.5 76
Number of Weeks Library Closed due to COVID-19 NA 8 0
Number of Weeks Open with Limited Occupancy Practices (COVID) NA 13 50
Gate Counts on an Annual Basis NA NA NA
Gate Counts in a Typical Week NA NA NA
ILL: Total loans and documents provided to other libraries 8,218 3,461 2,654

ILL-01 Returnable

ILL-02 Non-returnable NA NA NA
Total loans and documents received 3,666 2,623 1,990
ILL-03 Returnable NA NA NA
ILL-04 Non-returnable NA NA NA
ILL-05 Documents received from commercial services NA NA NA
Student Enrollment: Full-time Equivalents (FTE) 23,018 23,884 26,030
Student Enrollment: Headcounts 28,489 29,113 32,441
Student Enrollment: Full time undergraduates NA NA 21,292
Student Enrollment: Part time undergraduates NA NA 5,470
Student Enrollment: Full time graduates NA NA 1,869
Student Enrollment: Part time graduates NA NA 3,810

Items listed are required submissions by ACRL, but are not all included in the ACRL Trends and Statistics Survey official print-outs provided below.