UTeach RGV requires students to complete the 10 courses listed below.
- Inquiry Approaches to Teaching (Step 1)
- Inquiry-Based Lesson Design (Step 2)
- Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science
- Classroom Interactions
- Project-Based Instruction
- Apprentice Teaching
- Perspectives on Science and Mathematics
- Functions and Modeling
- Research Methods
- Content Area Literacy
The pedagogy (art or profession of teaching) courses are offered by the Department of Teaching and Learning in the College of Education and P-16 Integration. The content courses (science, mathematics, philosophy, and reading) are offered by departments in the College of Sciences, the College of Liberal Arts, and the College of Education and P-16 Integration.
Course Descriptions
The course descriptions from the UTRGV Undergraduate Catalog are listed below.
UTeach Pedagogy Courses
UTCH 1101 Inquiry Approaches to Teaching
This one-hour field-based course explores teaching as a career by introducing, modeling and practicing inquiry-based mathematics and science instruction. Field experiences will be completed in an elementary public school at an upper grade level and will consist of preparing, teaching, and assessing three inquiry-based mathematics or science lessons. Students will be introduced to the UTeach pedagogy and technology standards.Alignment to state curriculum and pedagogy standards will be emphasized. A criminal background check will be required and a tuberculosis test may be required before the first field experience. Special permission from a UTeach co-director is required to enroll in UTCH 1101 and UTCH 1102 concurrently. Prerequisites: Must be a Mathematics or Science major.
UTCH 1102 Inquiry-Based Lesson Design
This one-hour field-based course focuses on the basic principles of designing, implementing and assessing inquiry-based mathematics and science instruction for the middle school curricula. Field experiences will be completed in a public middle school and will consist of preparing, teaching, and assessing three inquiry-based mathematics or science lessons. Students will begin developing their UTeach portfolio. Alignment to state curriculum and pedagogy standards will be emphasized. May be taken concurrently with UTCH 3301. Prerequisites: UTCH 1101 with a grade of 'C' or better or concurrent enrollment with UTCH 1101 with special permission from a UTeach co-director.
UTCH 3301 Math and Science Learning
This three-hour field-based course introduces the cognitive, psychological and pedagogical principles of learning for effective science and mathematics instruction for all learners. Course emphasis will be on: the use of current technology for classroom learning; novice-expert transfer and understanding of subject matter; equity, diverse and exceptional learners, summative, formative, and authentic assessment; and high stakes testing. Students will develop a model of knowing and learning that will guide their future classroom practice. Alignment to state curriculum and pedagogy standards will be emphasized. Prerequisites: UTCH 1101 and UTCH 1102 with a grade of 'C' or better or concurrent enrollment with UTCH 1102.
UTCH 3302 Classroom Interactions
This three-hour field-based course focuses on how the interactions between curriculum, technology, and learning are used to produce a safe and productive learning environment for all students. The review of major instructional models and the delivery of effective instruction will be emphasized. Factors that affect instruction and learning (gender, socio-economic, language acquisition, disabilities, culture, and policy) in mathematics and science education will be discussed. This course has a field component that consists of three observations and two co-teaching events, including a multiple-day connected lesson, in secondary school settings. Alignment of class curriculum to state curriculum, pedagogy and content will be emphasized. Prerequisites: An institutional grade point average of at least 2.75, and UTCH 3301 with a grade of 'C' or better, and admission to Teacher Educator Program.
UTCH 3303 Project-Based Instruction
This three-hour field-based capstone course focuses on the principles of design, instruction, classroom management, and assessment of project-based and case-based curriculum projects in mathematics and science education. Students are expected to explore authentic and meaningful questions and develop through teamwork an interdisciplinary project-based unit of instruction connecting curriculum, pedagogical content, and technology standards. This course has a field component that includes observations and teaching in secondary school settings. Alignment to the state curriculum, pedagogy, and content standards will be emphasized. Prerequisites: An institutional grade point average of at least 2.75 and UTCH 3302 with a grade of 'C' or better.
UTCH 4101 Apprentice Teaching Seminar
This one-credit-hour weekly seminar facilitates the students integration of the supervised apprentice teaching experiences and the programs professional curriculum. Topics include classroom management and time management, instructional planning and assessment, parent-teacher communication, school culture and dynamics, legal and logistical issues affecting teaching. The final portfolio must provide evidence that the student has met state standards for teacher certification. Prerequisites: An institutional grade point average of at least 2.75 and UTCH 3303 with a grade of 'C' or better. Corequisite: UTCH 4601.
UTCH 4601 Apprentice Teaching
This six-credit-hour course is designed for students majoring in mathematics or science seeking middle school or high school teacher certification. Apprentice Teaching students will be placed in a state-accredited middle or secondary school for fifteen weeks under the guidance of an experienced mathematics or science classroom teacher (mentor) and a university supervisor. Prerequisites: An institutional grade point average of at least 2.75, UTCH 3303 with a grade of 'C' or better, and successful completion of PPR and content TExES examinations.
UTeach Content Courses
Perspectives on Science and Mathematics
PHIL 3317 Perspectives on Science and Mathematics
This course examines a selection of notable episodes in the history of science and mathematics. Episodes examined may include mathematics and science in Antiquity, Medieval medicine, alchemy, Galileo's conflict with the Catholic Church, Isaac Newton's formulation of the laws of motion, Charles Darwin's proposal of the theory of evolution by natural selection, the development of the atomic bomb, the development of modern logic, the development of non-Euclidian geometry, and the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA. This is a required UTeach content course. Enrollment cap: 25 students. Prerequisites: UTCH 1101, UTCH 1102
MATE 3317 Perspectives on Mathematics and Science
This upper-division course explores a selection of topics and episodes in the history of mathematics and science. It provides an overview of the history of mathematics and science and puts these historical perspectives to work in pedagogy. Also, it promotes intellectual curiosity and enhances students’ critical thinking skills and improves their presentation and writing skills. Students will design and prepare two 5E lessons plans of 1200 words each and make a presentation of one lesson plan to a group of peers and critique presentations of others. Prerequisites: MATE 3321, BIOL 3330, or PHYS 3330 with a grade of "C" or better.
Functions and Modeling
MATE 3321 Functions and Modeling
This course focuses on enhancing students’ mathematics content knowledge with an emphasis on concepts needed to teach secondary mathematics at various levels. The course consists of four instructional units: 1) Functions, 2) Modeling, 3) Overlooked Topics and Explorations, and 4) Geometry of Complex Numbers. Specific topics of investigation include function properties and patterns, complex numbers, parametric equations, polar equations, vectors, and exponential growth and decay. Explorations involve the use of multiple representations, transformations, data analysis techniques (such as curve fitting) and interconnections among topics in algebra, analytic geometry, statistics, trigonometry, and calculus. The lab investigations include use of various technologies including computers, calculators, and computer graphing software. Prerequisites: MATH 2413 (or MATH 2487) and UTCH 1102, each with a grade of 'C' or better.
BIOL 3330 Functions and Modeling
Students will engage in explorations and lab activities designed to strengthen and expand their knowledge of the topics found in secondary school mathematics and other sciences through activities of data collection; modeling the data with elementary mathematical functions; using tools from calculus to determine the best model for the data; and using concepts from mathematics, physics and chemistry to interpret the results of the model. The major objective of this course is for students, in the UTeach program to understand the interconnection between science and mathematics, and how to effectively use mathematics in scientific inquiry. Prerequisites: A grade of 'C' or better in the following: MATH 2413 and UTCH 1102.
PHYS 3330 Functions and Modeling
This course is intended for secondary Physics teacher certification students. Students will engage in explorations and lab activities designed to strengthen and expand their knowledge of the topics found in secondary school mathematics and other sciences through activities of data collection; modeling the data with elementary mathematical functions; using tools from calculus to determine the best model for the data; and using concepts from mathematics, physics and chemistry to interpret the results of the model. The major objective of this course is for students in the UTeach program to understand the interconnection between science and mathematics, and how to effectively use mathematics in scientific inquiry. Prerequisites: A grade of 'C' or better in the following: MATH 2413 (or MATH 2487) and UTCH 1102.
Research Methods
MATE 4319 Research Methods in Middle School Mathematics
This course is intended for middle school mathematics teacher certification students. Students will perform independent inquiries and learn to combine skills from mathematics and science in order to solve research problems. Coursework will include inquiry, writing, and quantitative reasoning. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
MATE 4329 Research Methods in Secondary Mathematics
This is a one-semester, three-hour course in the required UTeach sequence. It is one of several content courses specially designed to meet the needs of future teachers. UTeach students are provided tools that scientists use to solve scientific problems and to use these tools in a laboratory setting. Students learn how scientists communicate with each other through peer-reviewed scientific literature and to understand how scientists develop new knowledge and insights. Students design and carry out four independent inquiries, which they write up and present in the manner that is common in the scientific community. Prerequisites: MATE 3317 or PHIL 3317 with a grade of 'C' or better.
BIOL 4392 Research Methods in the Science and Mathematics Classroom (UTeach)
A course intended for students in the UTeach program. Students will design research projects, perform independent inquiries, and learn to combine skills from mathematics and science in order to solve research problems. Coursework will include inquiry, writing, and quantitative reasoning. Prerequisites: Grade of 'C' or better in the following: BIOL 1406 (or BIOL 1487), BIOL 1407 (or BIOL 1488); or CHEM 1111, 1112, 1311, 1312; or MATH 1314 or 1414; or PHYS 1401, 1402 or PHYS 2425, 2426 or PHYS 2411, 2412; and UTCH 1101, 1102 or consent of instructor.
PHYS 4392 Research Methods
A course intended for students in the UTeach program. Students will design research projects, perform independent inquiries, and learn to combine skills from mathematics and science in order to solve research problems. Course work will include inquiry, writing, and quantitative reasoning. Prerequisites: Grade "C" or better in the following: MATH 2413 (or MATH 2487) and UTCH 1102.
READ 4305 Content Area Literacy
Study of the role of literacy in learning content with a focus on use of explicit strategy instruction in teaching and monitoring content area literacy, vocabulary development and study skills for all learners. Dyslexia and other literacy-related disorders will be addressed. Prerequisites: Admission to COE Teacher Education Program.