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Purchasing a TurningPoint Clicker and License

There are four ways to ensure that you're ready to use TurningPoint in your course. Please read each description carefully so that you can make the correct purchase.

You will need to purchase a Clicker Bundle (QT2 Device & 1 Year License). You may purchase this online via the Turning Technologies Store) or at the University Bookstore.

ISBN: 978-0-9972248-1-8

If you registered your clicker before on Blackboard and have an unexpired Turning Account license, then you don't need to purchase anything.

If you registered your clicker before on Blackboard, but your Turning Account license has expired, then you need to renew your license.

Since you've used ResponseWare in the past, you already have a Turning Account. However, you will need to verify if you have an active license. If not, you will need to purchase one. Please also review your course syllabus to see if your instructor allows using ResponseWare instead of a clicker.