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True/False question types look similar to Multiple Choice question type formatting; however, “True” should always be listed as the first answer choice. “True” and “False” can either be spelled out, as in [ True ] or [ False ], or they can be denoted with a [ T ] or an [ F ]. Only one response may be considered correct. General feedback applies to this question type.

Answer Inline Formatting

Example 1

3. World War I occurred between 1914 and 1918.
*a. True
b. False

Example 2

3. World War I occurred between 1914 and 1918.
*a. T
b. F

Answer List Formatting

When listing answers at the end of the file, there are three acceptable forms for True/False question types. Example 1 uses the complete word. Example 2 uses a single letter. Example 3 uses the answer choice enumerator.

Example 1

1. b

3. True

Example 2

1. b

3. t

Example 3

1. b

3. a