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Required Elements

Required elements when formatting your test.




Question Enumeration

 1) or 1.

 Questions must be enumerated. The number should be immediately followed by a right parenthesis [ ) ] or a period [ . ]. A space should be between the question number/symbol and question wording.

Answer Choice Enumeration

 A) or a)

B. or b.

 Answer choice enumerators are the letters A-T, immediately followed by a right parenthesis [ ) ] or a period [ . ]. Answer choice enumerators can be in either lowercase or uppercase form. A space should be between the answer choice enumerator/symbol and the wording.

Throughout the question type formatting examples within this handbook, answer choices will be enumerated using the following format: [ a. ].

Identified Correct Answer Choice(s)

 *A) or


*B. or






1.  C

2.  T

3.  A,B,D

 Answers for Multiple Choice, True/False, and Multiple Answer question types are indicated by an asterisk [ * ]. There should be no space between the asterisk and the enumerator.


List the correct answers at the end of the file. Type “Answers:” and then begin listing the correct answers on subsequent lines. Each answer must be enumerated and must be on its own line. Answer 1 provides an example for a Multiple Choice answer format. Answer 2 provides an example for a True/False answer format. Answer 3 provides an example for a Multiple Answer answer format.

If no correct answer is identified, Respondus will choose the first response as the correct response by default. You will be warned that an answer does not have an identified correct answer prior to completing the import.


1. Who determined the exact speed of light?

a. Albert Einstein
*b. Albert Michelson
c. Thomas Edison
d. Guglielmo Marconi