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Blackboard Test Taking Tips

Follow the tips below to minimize your chance of experiencing technical problems when completing your test.

NOTE: If you get kicked out of your test and are unable to reopen it, please contact your instructor. It is up to your instructor to decide the next steps. The COLTT Help Desk will not reopen a test or clear an attempt without authorization from the instructor.

Important Information

  • Do NOT use your browser's Back or Forward Button.
  • Do NOT use your browser's Refresh button.
  • If you close your browser, the timer will continue to run.
  • It is recommended to use a wired internet connection when possible.
  • It is NOT recommended to take a test on a mobile device. (i.e. Phone or Tablet)
  • Make sure your browser is supported. Check your browser here.
  • Click Save and Submit only once, then wait to see the submission confirmation page.
  • Disable pop-up blockers or set them to allow Blackboard pop-ups.
  • Beware of automatic updates, so they don't occur while you're taking your test.
  • The auto-save feature will save your responses when you add or update an answer. If you are not adding or updating answers, the auto-save feature will not activate and you may be timed out due to inactivity.
  • Entering text in a text box (i.e. essay answers) is not considered an activity in Blackboard. You must click a link to remain active. Blackboard will log you out after three hours of inactivity.

Tips by Test Setting

All Questions at Once Test: Click the Save button as you answer each question. While Blackboard will auto-save your answers, clicking Save will record your answers each time you click it.

One Question at Time Test: To navigate between questions, use the forward and back arrows on the test page. Do NOT use your browser's forward and back buttons.

Backtracking Prohibited Test: Once you move on to the next question, you will not be able to return to the previous question. Do NOT attempt to use your browser's back button as it may kick you out of your test.

Timed Test: The timer begins once you click Begin. It will continue to run until you click Save and Submit or until the timer expires, even if you leave the test page.

Force Completion Test: When force completion is enabled, you must complete the test on the first attempt. If you navigate away from the test page at any time, you will NOT be able to access the test again.

Multiple Attempts Test: When available, you will see a message on the Begin Test page notifying you that multiple attempts are available.