Digital Collections Copyright

The UTRGV Digital Collections help fulfill UTRGV's educational mission. Materials found in these collections are either in the public domain, are made available by permission, or are permitted by an exception such as fair use. Although these materials are publicly accessible, some restrictions on further use may still apply. Permitted uses are limited to research, educational, and scholarly purposes.

Publication, transmission, or reproduction of items protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Whenever possible, accurate information about the copyright status of material is provided in the item record and/or documentation for material in the collection.

The Library does not own the copyright in much of the material in its collection and is therefore unable to grant copyright permission to publish those items. It is the researcher's responsibility to determine copyright and other possible restrictions on reuse (e.g. publicity, privacy, moral rights) and to obtain proper permission when publishing or distributing materials found in these collections. Researchers must make their own assessments of rights in light of their intended use. Additional information about copyright and fair use is available here: Copyright Guide.

As a courtesy, we request that whenever quoting material from our collection you cite us as the source of the material as follows:

Special Collections & University Archives

[Title of Collection]; [item description], [dates]. [Number of Collection], Box [#], Folder [#], [name of item, e.g. Photograph of McAllen, 1951]. University Library, Special Collections & University Archives, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, [Edinburg or Brownsville], Texas.

If you have any information about an item you've seen in our digital collections, or if you are the copyright owner and believe your work is not properly attributed or is used without proper authorization, please let us know. Send your inquiries to including your contact information and a link the relevant content.

Border Studies Archive

[Title of Collection]; [item description], [dates]. Box [#], Folder [#], [name of item, e.g. Folk Foods Collection Guacamole]. University Library, Border Studies Archive, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, Texas.

If you have any information about an item you have seen in our digital collections, or if you are the copyright owner and believe your work is not properly attributed or is used without proper authorization, please let us know. Send your inquiries to including your contact information and a link the relevant content.