JumpStart Your Academics
JumpStart offers a series of select courses designed to help you meet Texas’s College Readiness standards. You will enroll in developmental course work based on area(s) of need: 3 hours of integrated reading/writing/ and/or 3 hours of math. If students only need one area but need additional course hours to be eligible for financial aid awards, such as loans or work study, they have the option to enroll in designated sections of UNIV 1301. With the guidance of recognized faculty, each course is designed to engage your mind, trigger your curiosity, progress your writing and develop your analytical skills.
Course Offerings
ENGL 0301 Reading/Writing Studio – English 0301 is designed as a supplement to English 1301 Rhetoric and Composition I for students who did not pass state required readiness tests for college level reading and writing. The class supports English 1301 objectives with added time and attention to student development of effective strategies in reading, rhetoric, and composition related to critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and personal responsibility. (Does not count toward hours for graduation or in the computation of hours attempted or earned. A course grade will be recorded as Pass (PR) or No Pass (NPR). English 0301 is a non-credit course. Co/Prerequisites: None)
Math 0320 Intermediate Algebra – A study of the real number system, equations, inequalities and its applications, graphs of equations and inequalities, exponents and polynomials, factoring and its applications, rational expressions and its applications, systems of linear equations and inequalities, roots and radicals, quadratic equations. (This course may not be used to satisfy any University core curriculum requirements. Co/Prerequisites: None)
Math 0330 Pre-Statistics and Probability – This course is a Developmental Mathematics option for students in majors and degree programs that do not require College Algebra (MATH 1340, MATH 1440). The course aims to provide students with the mathematical background necessary for success in Elementary Statistical Methods and Introduction to Biostatistics. Topics covered will include: Operations and Numbers, Rounding and Percentages, Fractions, Square Roots, Summations, Linear Equations and Graphs, Descriptive Statistics and Charts, Introductory Probability. (This course may not be used to satisfy any University core curriculum requirements. Co/Prerequisites: TSI Assessment score 336-349 and a major which does not require College Algebra)
Math 0330 Pre-Contemporary Mathematics – Pending
UNIV 1301 Learning Framework – The purpose of the course is to provide an opportunity for students to understand the psychology of learning and its application to their own university experience and to their chosen major/profession. The course will focus on the assessment, understanding, and application of the psychology of learning, cognition and motivation.
Academic Expectations
As a JumpStart Scholar, you are expected to attend and complete all courses, participate in program events and leverage institutional resources. Additionally, you are expected to pass all courses with a PR.
Upon completion of your JumpStart course work, all grades and credits earned will be placed on your UTRGV academic transcript. Grades will be calculated into your institutional GPA, count towards financial aid's Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and determine your fall 2020 course schedule.