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Getting Started With Online Accessibility

Online Accessibility is giving a person with a disability the same opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services in an equally effective integrated manner at the same time with the same ease of use. Here are five ways you can get started with accessibility.

1. Use Heading Styles

Headings should be added using the content authoring software to assist screen readers in creating an outline of the page. This allows the user to easily navigate between headings.

2. Use Descriptive Links

When adding a link to your content, be sure to describe the website. Students who are using a screen-reader have the ability to jump from link to link. By using "click here," they are unable to identify where the link will take them.

3. Add Alternative Text

Alternative Text or “alt text” is used to textually describe an image or graphic for those who are unable to see it. When using a screen reader, it will dictate that an image is present followed by the alternative text. If the image is used for decoration or contains no information, a setting can be enabled that will skip over the image.

4. Color and Contrast is Key

When using color, make sure there is sufficient contrast between the foreground and background. Using yellow on white or another light color will make it difficult to read and understand. 

5. Use Tables for Data, Not Layout

Tables should only be used to display tabular data, and not to design page layouts. When used as layout tables, users using a screen reader are unable to easily identify information as there is no structure. A great example of how a screen reader would announce a layout table is given by WebAIM.