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Master of Science in Kinesiology with a concentration in Sport Management

The Department of Health and Human Performance’s graduate program prepares graduate students to function professionally in a diverse and changing society, improve quality of life, and promote healthy lifestyles through the understanding and delivery of management, physical activity, and wellness concepts. The program includes academic as well as practical experiences in the student’s chosen area of study.

Admission Requirements & Courses

Program Details

Next Start Date
Spring II Module
Application Deadline
Estimated Program Length
Credit Hours
Course Length
Cost Per Credit

About the Program

The Department of Health and Human Performance’s graduate program prepares graduate students to function professionally in a diverse and changing society, improve quality of life, and promote healthy lifestyles through the understanding and delivery of management, physical activity and wellness concepts. The program includes academic as well as practical experiences in the student’s chosen area of study.

The sport management concentration within the Master of Science in Kinesiology is designed to prepare sport professionals for a variety of management-related careers in athletic, recreation, and education settings. Potential career paths are virtually limitless, with new specialties continually emerging. The sport management curriculum includes specialized courses in sport law, marketing, event and facility management, and relevant field experience.

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Historical development of kinesiology from primitive to modern times. Philosophy of modern kinesiology with application to present day educational programs.
This course is an introduction to research methodology in education. It focuses on the relationship between research problem, questions and design and introduces students to techniques for collecting and analyzing research data. The course emphasis is on writing an analysis and synthesis of research methodology and findings in empirical articles.
A critical study of principles, problems and procedures in the construction of a kinesiology program. Attention will be given to the application of these principles in the construction of a course of study for a specific situation. Prerequisite: None
The organization and administration of major and minor sport programs including budgeting, staffing, equipment and public relations.
The application of legal issues in the sport industry with primary concentration on tort liability for sport administrators and teachers/coaches, gender issues and contract law. Prerequisite: None
A study of ethical issues in sport related to the player, coach, parent, officials and administration associated with sport/athletic organizations. Prerequisite: None
This course is designed to help students to acquire new perspectives on issues related to administration and leadership styles in the field of kinesiology. Learning objectives will include an analysis and study of management and financial principles used in health, fitness, and sport programs. An overview of program design, and leadership skills needed to teach individual and group-led exercise programs. There are no prerequisites for this course, but college level writing skill is expected of all enrolled students. Also, previous knowledge on computer programs such as MS Word, MS Office, Adobe and, Outlook will be crucial to navigate this course.
The course is an in-depth analysis of the relationship of sport and management. The study of sport includes sporting goods manufacturers; fitness centers; recreation departments; broadcasting; Little League teams; and high school, NCAA, and professional leagues. The study of management follows the four functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. There are no prerequisites for this course, but good college level writing skill is expected of all enrolled students. Also, previous knowledge on computer programs such as MS Word, MS Office, Adobe and, Outlook will be crucial to navigate this course.
This course presents an overview of the various techniques and strategies used in meeting the wants and needs of consumers in the sport industry as well as understanding how sport can be used to assist in the marketing of other companies and products. Areas to be addressed are the uniqueness of sport marketing in comparison with traditional marketing, an overview of the segments of the sport industry, the importance of market research and segmentation in identifying the right sport consumer, the use of data-based marketing in reaching the sport consumer, an overview of the marketing mix as individual units and the relationship between those units, and the development of sponsorship and endorsement packages.
With new arenas, stadiums, health clubs, convention centers, and other facilities popping up all over the nation, many job opportunities are available in this discipline. Even in these tough economic times when some jobs are harder to find, there is still a significant need for properly trained sport facility managers with strong skills in finance, marketing, and risk management. This class will cover numerous issues from construction-related concerns to marketing facilities, naming rights, and concession concerns. Also covered will be topics related to the facility management side of the industry with special attention paid to back-house operations such as water, heating, cooling, and related activities. This is a comprehensive course focused on applied rather than theoretical knowledge. To learn some of the hands-on elements of running a facility, students will visit a facility of their choice (subject to instructor approval). There they will spend time with facility staffers to learn how each facility is operated.
Extensive readings and discussion of selected topics in the field.
An in-depth study of governance agencies concerned with interscholastic, intercollegiate, amateur, international and professional organizations.

Calendar - Spring II Module

Course Start Date

Application Deadline

Payment Deadline

Registration Deadline

Course End Date

Tuition & Financial Aid

UT Rio Grande Valley's 100% online accelerated graduate programs offer affordable tuition, and financial aid is available for those who qualify.

Total Program Cost

Per Credit Hour

Per 3-Credit-Course

*We estimate that tuition and fees will total no more than the rates shown above; however, rates are subject to change.


For more information on our Graduate Scholarships, please visit our Scholarships page.

Financial Aid

UTRGV is an equal opportunity institution in the administration of its financial aid programs. In keeping with this policy, financial aid is extended to students without regard to race, creed, sex, national origin, veteran status, religion, age or disability. For additional information regarding funding please visit our Financial Aid for Accelerated Online Programs page.

Additional Fees

No Application Fee
Graduation Fee: $50


Please review all the admission requirements for the Master of Science in Kinesiology with a concentration in Sport Management degree program. For specific questions or more details, contact an enrollment specialist at 1-833-887-4842.

Admissions Criteria

Online Application

Submit your application online.

Official Transcript

Submit transcripts from all colleges/universities


3.0 (on a 4.0 scale)