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Healthcare Administration and Leadership (Certificate)

The health care industry is expected to continue to grow rapidly in the near future. As such, there is increasing demand for health care administrators with graduate-level training that can take leadership roles in planning, direction, coordination and delivery of health care services. Health care delivery systems are evolving at a quick pace, due to changes in the structure and financing of the health care sector, as well as, changes in the population served. Health care managers need to have the administrative skills that would allow them to assume leadership roles in increasingly complex health care delivery systems.

Admission Requirements & Courses

Program Details

Next Start Date
Spring II Module
Application Deadline
Estimated Program Length
Credit Hours
Course Length
Cost Per Credit

About the Program

The Healthcare Administration and Leadership Certificate is designed for:

1. Developing the health care administration and leadership skills of students interested in pursuing a career in the health care industry.

2. Graduate  students in MBA, MSN, MPA, MA, MS and Ph.D. programs and for physicians, health care administrators, clinical laboratory scientists, dietitians and other professionals in the health care industry.

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This is an applied finance and accounting healthcare course, designed to provide decision makers with fundamental concepts in healthcare finance, accounting, budgeting, planning and forecasting. Does not count towards the MACC degree.
This course provides an introduction to the essential tools and techniques of health care financial management, including health care accounting and financial statements, managing cash flow, billings and collections, making major capital investments, determining cost and using cost information in decision-making in a health care environment. The course also covers such fundamental concepts as time value of money, the evaluation of financial statements, and pricing of financial instruments with an emphasis on their application to the health care environment. Students will also get exposure to developments in health care laws and regulations such as the Affordable Care Act.
This course introduces concepts, techniques, and tools for managing and understanding data in healthcare. The course focuses on teaching students to use healthcare data to make decisions, transform health care delivery, and improve public healht. Students will learn how to collect, process, analyze, visualize, and report structured and unstructured clinical and operational data. Topics covered include healthcare data measurement, statistical analysis, and data mining. This course will discuss challenges related to healthcare analytics such as data privacy, security, and interoperability.
This course provides the knowledge about fundamentals of health information systems (HIS) and the role of information systems in efficient operation of healthcare organizations. The course specifically focuses on: evolution of HIS, HIS components and basic HIS functions, technology infrastructure for healthcare organizations, basic concepts such as EHR, HIE, CPOE, and COSS, HIS standards such as HIPAA, HL7, and DICOM, strategic information systems planning for healthcare organizations, systems analysis and project management, information security issues, and role of HIS professionals in health organizations.
This course introduces concepts, techniques, and tools for managing and understanding data in healthcare. The course focuses on teaching students to use healthcare data to make decisions, transform health care delivery, and improve public health. Students will learn how to collect, process, analyze, visualize, and report structured and unstructured clinical and operational data. Topics covered include healthcare data measurement, statistical analysis, and data mining. This course will discuss challenges related to healthcare analytics such as data privacy, security, and interoperability.
This course focuses on the vital role services play in the economy and its future. It shows how the advanced economies of the world are now dominated by service(s), and virtually all companies, including those traditionally known as manufacturers, view services as critical to retaining their consumers today and in the future and surviving in the marketplace. Students will be exposed to the state-of-the-art in services management and marketing.
Health care is a dynamic industry and continues to undergo dramatic reform and transformation. Within this fast changing environment, there are several trends that demand organizations to be effective marketers and to provide value to stakeholders, including patients. This course looks at contemporary trends in health care services including the increasing involvement of consumers in the health care process and the access to e-information, the impact of interactive technology and the emphasis on the need for transparency within the medical professional, but also privacy of medical records, as well as increasing competition and the shifting and reshaping of the health care landscape. Collectively and independently, these factors reinforce the relevance of marketing theory, practice and research in the context of health care services.
This course is designed to acquaint students with basic principles and concepts of human resource management within a health care organization. Topics to be covered include recruitment, selection, compensation, employee retention, training and development, and legal compliance. Students will have the opportunity to study human resource related problems faced by various healthcare systems such as hospitals, integrated health care systems, managed care settings, private practices, and public health clinics. Additionally, this will utilize technology and relevant platforms to enhance students learning to prepare them for both current and future workplace demands.
This course is designed to provide a broad overview of leadership and change with the ultimate goal of each student developing a well thought out and understood personal leadership philosophy that includes an enlightened approach of managing and leading change. The course will expose you to numerous perspectives on leadership and change by some of the greatest minds that have studied the topic. Through the design of this course your critical thinking skills and the ability to communicate and effectively will be enhanced. The course will utilize technology and relevant platforms to enhance students? learning to prepare them for both current and future workplace demands.

Calendar - Spring II Module

Course Start Date

Application Deadline

Payment Deadline

Registration Deadline

Course End Date

Tuition & Financial Aid

UT Rio Grande Valley's 100% online accelerated graduate programs offer affordable tuition, and financial aid is available for those who qualify.

Total Program Cost

Per Credit Hour

Per 3-Credit-Course

*We estimate that tuition and fees will total no more than the rates shown above; however, rates are subject to change.


Financial Aid

UTRGV is an equal opportunity institution in the administration of its financial aid programs. In keeping with this policy, financial aid is extended to students without regard to race, creed, sex, national origin, veteran status, religion, age or disability. For additional information regarding funding please visit our Financial Aid for Accelerated Online Programs page.

Additional Fees

No Application Fee
Graduation Fee: $50


Please review all the admission requirements for the Healthcare Administration and Leadership (Certificate) degree program. For specific questions or more details, contact an enrollment specialist at 1-833-887-4842.

Admissions Criteria

Online Application

Submit your application online.

Official Transcript

Submit transcripts from all colleges/universities


3.0 (on a 4.0 scale)