Undergraduate STAT courses
STAT 2334 - Applied Statistics for Health
Topics to be covered are: descriptive statistics (including data summarization and simple linear regression), basics of probability, inferential statistics (including hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, one-way analysis of variance, introduction to nonparametric statistics), and the basics of experimental design in the context of health related sciences and disciplines. Computer laboratory experience will be an important part of this course. Prerequisites: MATH 1314, MATH 1414, MATH 1324, or MATH 1342 with a grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 2336 - Stat Computing & Data Mgmt
Topics include Statistical programming in R, SPSS and/or SAS; random number generation; design of simulation studies; interactive and dynamic statistical graphics: data processing and management. Prerequisites: Minimum grade of C in CSCI 1380 and [MATH 1342 or MATH 1343 or STAT 2334].
STAT 3301 - Applied Statistics
This course concerns itself with probabilistic models, regression analysis, nonparametric statistics, and the basics of experimental design. Computer laboratory experience will be an important part of the class. Prerequisites: MATH 2413 (or MATH 2487) with a grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 3335 - Applied Regression Analysis
This course discusses applications of regression in various areas of study. Topics include simple and multiple linear regression, ordinary and weighted least square techniques, detection of outliers, multicollinearity, variable selection, dummy variables, and logistic regression. Prerequisites: MATH 2318 and STAT 3301 both with grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 3336 - Sampling
This course covers the design and analysis of sample surveys. Topics include simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, cluster sampling, graphics, regression analysis using complex surveys and methods for handling nonresponse bias, theory and application of sampling from finite populations. Prerequisites: STAT 3301 with a grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 3337 - Probability & Statistics
Topics include probability, random variables, discrete, and continuous probability distributions, expectations, moments, and moment generating functions, functions of random variables and limiting distributions. Prerequisites: MATH 2414 (or MATH 2488) with a grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 3338 - Mathematical Statistics
Topics include sampling distributions and data descriptions, estimation problems,: classical methods and maximum likelihood estimation, test of hypothesis, theoretical properties of statistical inference, statistical quality control. Prerequisites: STAT 3337 with a grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 3351 - Multivariate Analysis
The course covers the theoretical foundations of the topic. Multivariate data typically consist of many records, each with readings on two or more variables, with or without an "outcome" variable of interest. Procedures covered in the course include multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), principal components, factor analysis and classification. Prerequisites: MATH 2318 and STAT 3301 both with grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 3352 - Introduction to Linear Models
The course covers the theory of univariate linear models, including multiple regression and analysis of variance models. Treatment of other normal models, including generalized linear, repeated measures, random effects, mixed, correlation, and some multivariate models. Prerequisites: MATH 2318 and STAT 3335 both with grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 4332 - Experimental Design
Topics to be covered are: Design fundamentals; completely randomized designs; blocking; factorial, nested, nested-factorial designs; incomplete designs; split pilot; crossover designs; power analysis, sample size determination. Prerequisites: STAT 2336 with grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 4341 - Intro to Stochastic Processes
This course is particularly well-suited for those wanting to see how probability theory can be applied to the study of random phenomena in fields such as engineering, management science, the physical and social sciences, and operations research. Topics include condit ional expectation, Markov chains, Poisson processes, and queuing theory. Additional applications chosen from such topics as reliability theory, Brownian motion, finance and asset pricing, inventory theory, dynamic programming, and simulation. Prerequisites: MATH 2318 and STAT 3337 both with grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 4342 - Time Series Analysis
Topics include: identification of models for empirical data collected over time; use of models in forecasting. Students should understand the differences between cross-sections and time series, and those specific problems, which occur while working with data of these types. In this course, students should master traditional methods of time series analysis of univariate time series data including: autoregressive and moving average models (denoted as ARIMA models); smoothing methods and trend/seasonal decomposition methods; longitudinal analysis and repeated measures models for comparing treatments when the response is a time series; and intervention analysis (before/after analysis of a time series to assess effect of a new policy, treatment, etc). Prerequisites: MATH 2318 and STAT 3335 both with grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 4345 - Introduction to Simulation
The course covers random number generation; generating discrete and continuous random variables; generating multivariate normally distributed vectors; Monte Carlo simulation experiments; Monte Carlo integration and variance reduction; Monte Carlo methods in Statistical Inference; Resampling Techniques such as Jack-Knife and Boot Strap; Simulation of Stochastic Processes. Statistical software like R and Python will be used during classes. Prerequisites: STAT 2336 and STAT 3338 both with a grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 4346 - Intro to Bayesian Inference
This course is designed to introduce the students to Bayesian data analysis. The topics to be covered include. Examples of current application of the Bayesian inferential framework. The fundamentals: prior, likelihood, posterior. Exponential families and conjugate priors. Invariance, non-informative priors. How to explore the posterior: numerical integration? Examples of MCMC; empirical Bayes; applications. Prerequisites: STAT 3338 with a grade of 'C'.
STAT 4347 - Nonparametric Statistics
Topics include distribution free statistical procedures or methods valid under nonrestrictive assumptions: Goodness-of-fit test, test of homogeneity, order statistics, ranks, distribution free tests and associated interval and point estimators; sign test; signed rank tests; rank tests; Mann Whitney Wilcoxon procedures; Kolmogorov Smimov tests; permutation methods; discussion and comparison with parametric methods. Prerequisites: STAT 3301 and STAT 3335 both with a grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 4351 - Categorical Data Analysis
Topics include: techniques for the analysis of categorical data; contingency table analysis; logistic regression; Poisson regression; loglinear models; analysis of ordinal data. Prerequisites: STAT 2336 and STAT 3338 both with a grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 4352 - Survival Analysis
Topics to be covered are: introduction to the principles and methods for the analysis of time-to-event data; the relationship between the survival function, distribution function, hazard function, relative hazard, and cumulative hazard; Kaplan-Meier estimator: two-sample analyses for survival data; nonparametric, semi-parametric, and parametric models for survival analysis. Prerequisites: STAT 2336 and STAT 3338 both with a grade of 'C' or better.
STAT 4390 - Statistics Project
Students will complete a major statistical project and will communicate its results in oral and written form. Prerequisites: STAT 2336, STAT 3335, and 9 advanced hours of STAT, all with grades of 'C' or better.
STAT 4392 - Statistical Consulting
Topics include: integration of statistical models, design, sampling, graphics and computing for the analysis of real problems; planning, drafting, revising and editing reports; ethics; principles of collaboration and communication. Students will be required to hold regular statistical consulting help desk hours. Prerequisites: STAT 2336, STAT 3335, and 9 advanced hours of STAT, all with grades of 'C' or better.
STAT 4399 - Special Topics in Statistics
Topic to be selected by instructor and should cover special undergraduate topics in statistics which are not taught elsewhere in other department. This course may be repeated for credit when topic is different. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor and Departmental Approval.