The Master’s degree in Applied Statistics and Data Science covers a broad range of applied statistical methods and computational tools such as data science processes, machine learning, data visualization, algorithmic and computational thinking, ethics, and algorithmic accountability. Program graduates acquire competency in the areas of computational and statistical thinking, mathematical foundations, algorithms and software foundation, data curation, and knowledge transference—communication and responsibility.
The degree will provide a graduate-level education designed to meet the growing need for professionals who apply computational and statistical techniques to data and effectively communicate results from analyses to the audience. Training includes instruction in a broad range of statistical methods and computational tools to equip professionals for careers as government, industrial, or academic statisticians and data scientists, or to continue to doctoral study in statistics. Degrees in statistics complement existing careers in business, finance, medicine, and lead to careers as an actuary, computer scientist, data analyst, database administrator, economist, market researcher, financial analyst, social scientist, educator, and many other options.